Ilya Sokolovskiy

When a factory is bound to close, a group of workers decides to take action against the owner.


A story about a young boy who dreams about airplanes.

Is it fun to be panda? May be... But not for Misha whose job is to work as a panda during birthday parties.


The heroes of the film "March" - a group of FSB special forces officers - a quick response team. Every day, dozens of especially dangerous criminals take to the streets of our cities. An elite team of special forces soldiers led by the commander of Major Alexander Buida is taken to detect and neutralize the criminal structures. Trained at a high level, they remain committed to their cause, even when their own lives are in danger. And no matter what they face tomorrow - with drug dealers, with hostage-taking or with terrible terrorist attacks planned by fanatics - a special unit is always on the alert!

The main character of the film has always considered herself happy in marriage. But one day she finds out that her husband in another city has a family.

1940. Leningrad. In sixth grader Mickey Polyakov light-hearted and happy life: the father-director, beautiful mother, a large apartment in the city center and many friends. And everything in this life before the war is well until one day he did not suffer at the hands of seniors. Physician ambulance that brought Mick into intensive care, noted strong concussion. But the terrible injury gave Mick a mysterious gift - he can now kill any of his abuser Lashes. So for Miki begins a completely different life, which are closely intertwined reality and mysticism.


He was doomed to die, but managed to survive, and now his mission is to revenge for the annihilation of his tribe. He is the great warrior who calls himself Volkodav, and is the last man from the tribe of Serie Psi (Grey Hounds). After escaping certain death, Volkodaw — accompanied by Neletuchaya Mysh — is on a mission to kill Ludoed who is responsible to what happened to Serie Psi.


Sometimes you need to become somebody else in order to understand your own destiny...


Kirill, a Russian teenager who loves rap music with his best friend, falls in love with a beautiful young dancer, Katia. He also meets 2 new strange friends in a fight. He becomes deep in love with Katia. So he invited them in his apartment for the weekend. But while helping Kirill trying to impress Katia, Kirill's best friend dies in an accident. The four left friends start a nightmarish journey with death.


Corrupt cops, street gangs, "Bratki" in "Bummers" (BMWs) steal and "Merins" (Mercedeses), angry truck drivers, beautiful women and death are what four friends in a black Bummer who go on a mission from one region of Russia to another are about to face in the wasteland of small-town Russia. A critique of the policies of Boris Yeltsin, it depicted the economic crisis that followed Russia's transition towards a free market economy, and with it, a lost generation, with no job security, who are pushed into a world of crime and rebellion. Despite a modest budget of US$700,000, and a limited cinematic release, it became a national hit in Russia as well its soundtrack, popularized by 'Seryoga's' (Серёга) music video "Чёрный Бумер" ("Black Bummer"). Both the film and its soundtrack have won awards, including the prestigious Golden Aries from the Russian Guild of Film critics.
