Iñaki Font

An jihadist attack in the old town of Bilbao ends with the lives of seven people and leaves more than thirty badly injured. The police investigation focus on catching those responsible for the massacre.


It seems simple: an egg + sperm = one embryo. But if your sperm is "few, vague and abnormal" and your woman is premenopausal at age 37, things start to get complicated.


Nerea is 37, is married and has a daughter. Professionally Nerea is a journalist and has to spend most of the day in the newspaper, subtracting much time to her family. The difficulty in balancing work and personal life greatly overwhelms the protagonist and the problem does not get worse when her mother, Luisa, Alzheimer patient is admitted to hospital.


A businessman returns his family home after eight years in exile avoiding the terrorism of the ETA.


Spain. The Basque Country. Sometime in the 90s. Josu Jon, a young member of a terrorist organization, has suffered an almost complete memory loss after being wounded in a shooting with the Spanish police. As he awaits for his trial, his condition is being treated at the prison hospital. Other inmates belonging to the same organization try to make him remember how brave a "gudari" -a Basque soldier- he is and how he must go back to the armed fight for the independence of their country as soon as he gets out of prison. Meanwhile, Xabier, a college professor who has been death-threatened by the terrorists due to his political views on the Basque situation, is having an affair with Francesca, a young psychologist who happens to end up trying to help Josu Jon recover his memory. A warm feeling of mutual affection grows between her and her patient. At a point, it doesn't seem to be clear whether Josu Jon really wants to recover his memory or rather forget forever who he actually is.


A Spanish theatre company is rehearsing Shakespeare in the original style using young men to play the women's roles. Complicating their endeavors is the previously straight director's infatuation the new young man whose charming everyone except the slightly older young man who he's replacing. When the young man on the way out decides to settle the score with the young man on the way up, he draws on what he's learned in the theatre. Enter Iago.


A tense drama that revolves around a platoon of Spanish soldiers, following the innocent young men as they step from the training field into a hell for which nothing could have prepared them.


Three students are sent by their families to Cadiz in 1965, his last chance to pass and become what is expected of them. The appearance of some dancers disrupts their commitments: boys lose the course and girls, their work. But together they learn to decide their future.
