Inayat Khan

The residents of a housing society, GT Road, help each other find solutions when they face common, real-life challenges and get involved in sticky situations but at the same time fights with each other on small little issues.

Anmol lives a simple life with her mother and younger sister Mishal Ansari. Before he died, Anmol's father had paid off a debt he owed to local moneylender Kifayat Ali using his home as security, but Anmol's mother has no proof of the debt repayment so they are an easy mark for fraud. Kifayat Ali engages Mohid, who specializes in real-estate, and a little ghundagardi on the side to evict Anmol's family. The clash between Mohid and Anmol is the crux of this story.


The story revolves around the love story of Sarmad and Ayla. While Ayla comes from a middle-class background with a doting family, Sarmad comes from a rich background but is distant from his father due to his father's busy schedule. His stepmother doesn't care about him nor does his stepbrother.