Indrani Mukherjee

Naseeb, a story of destiny and fate, begins with a lottery ticket. A drunk who cannot pay his restaurant bill trades his recently purchased ticket with a waiter. Naseeb becomes a poignant story about love, friendship, sacrifice, deceit, revenge and above all, destiny.


After her fiancé is killed in an accident, Seema becomes a bar dancer and is raped. When her fiancé miraculously returns, she learns that her rapist is his uncle.


The plot revolves around a train named Super Express that catches fire on its inaugural run from New Delhi to Mumbai.


A family of four is separated after the ship they're traveling on capsizes. The two brothers, Ajay and Vijay, grow up apart - only to reunite years later under much different circumstances.


Inspector Raj Singh's father was killed by Shankar and his men for gold. Years later he locates them but also finds that he has a step brother Suraj who works for Shankar now known as Devi Dayal.


Hindi action comedy


When Ravi gets a job as a post officer in a village, he falls in love with Mohini, not knowing she loves another


Director Sampooran Singh Gulzar’s insightful comic drama aims to capture the unique perspective of childhood.


An Astrologer informs Satpal Singh that his nephew will eventually kill him. When Satpal's sister, Maharani Meenakshi, gives birth to twins, he has one thrown from the castle walls, and ...


Renukadevi is widowed and the mother of a son named Ram. Her husband had indulged in all possible vices, and passed away unexpectedly. Her father-in-law, Rai, does not want Ram to repeat his father's mistakes, and teaches him all the positive values of the Hindu religion, in particular the contents of the Holy Book "Geeta". As a result, Ram refrains from all known vices, is an expert in yogic exercises, decides to live the life of a celibate, and refuses to marry anyone. When Rai passes away, Renuka asks Ram to fulfill his grandfather's last wishes, one of which was to get married. She even arranges his introduction to Aarti, an attractive young woman. But Ram is convinced that marriage is not for him.


A just king is overthrown by his brother in a coup, but little does the brother know, that his newborn son was replaced with one of the just king's.


Tells a heart-rending saga of an orphan girl, whose body and soul are divided between her aged husband and a young forest officer she had fallen in love with. Being the wife of the old Choudhari has she any right to expect love from another man forms the crux of the story.


To be added


The Principal of New Era High School in Panchgani finds an orphan, Raju, who had lost his parents to plague, brings him home, and enrolls him in the school. Raju notices that while every student has parents and visitors, he has no one to call his own. He gets distraught and is assured by the Principal that he does have a relative in Chacha Nehru (Jawaharlal Nehru, the Indian Prime Minister). Raju believes him, and when he finds out through his teacher, Uma, that Nehru will be delivering a speech in Chowpatty, Bombay, he sneaks off in the trunk of a car. Upon arrival he faces harsh realities, his money is almost stolen, and he is befriended by a cynical deranged male, who tells him that Nehru is now a speech-prone politician and is unable to hear what the common citizen has to say...


An estranged husband refuses to take up his son's responsibility after parting ways with his wife. But when he receives the news of his wife's death, he sets out in search of his son.


A platoon of Indian soldiers encounters harsh realities while fighting in the Sino-Indian War of 1962.


Sharda, a college student and the daughter of a wealthy educationist, marries Vijay, a college professor, against her father's wishes. Things take a turn when Vijay meets with an accident.


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