Ingo J. Biermann

Eleni is abruptly left alone by her girlfriend during a trip to Norway. In order to find her lost love, she will embark on a journey far beyond the Arctic Circle.


Rosalie, an aging art historian, falls in love with a troubled bisexual artist half her age. Their relationship becomes pure torture for them both.


Before the concert, three scenes from the life of a successful classical cellist, who finds fulfillment and refuge in music. However, as the precarious balance in which he has set up his life suddenly wavered, a roller coaster of emotions becomes a roller coaster of a normal day before a concert.

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One segment of the video short "Etüden op. 18"

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Two drug-addicted, incestuous, rich siblings kill a call-boy to make playing cards out of his skin.


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German iconoclast filmmaker and gay-rights activist Rosa vonPraunheim examines his own life and career in the documentary Phooey Rosa! With a quickly paced editing style, the film is a mix of personal banter, candid interviews, and clips from his filmography. It also includes footage from his early film Bed Sausage to his later work Neurosia. At the age of 60, vonPraunheim reveals intimate details about his past relationships and his childhood growing up after WWII. He also implicates some of his friends and inspirations, including Luzi Kryn and Rainer Kranach.


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