Ioseb 'Soso' Bliadze

Tina, a young woman who has lost her way in life, rents a room from the vibrant Megi, thanks to whom she gradually starts to discover what it’s like to be free and to be able to make her own decisions without being reliant on men… Self-assured in its directorial style, this authentic film portrays millennials in contemporary Tbilisi and points to the influence of patriarchal thinking on Georgian society.


Two families, each facing its own existential difficulties, are brought together by an unfortunate event. For one family, the accident has a fatal impact; for the other, it becomes an opportunity for a better life. The film’s careful exploration of all the participants’ perspectives culminates in a meditation on human morals while not shying away from a tragicomic tone.

Two German tourists, Christian and Daniel are visiting Georgia as a tourists. They are searching for a food in a village and suddenly they are invited on a Georgian wedding. Their real adventures starts here.


Lifetime friends and neighbors from the same year in Old Tbilisi turn into enemies and confront their fellow neighbor's family when an investor shows up to buy their yard and houses.


The action of the film takes place in one of the yards of Old Tbilisi. At the beginning of the film we see the neighbors who make one team. Although they all are short of money and have to endure plethora of hardships, live like one friendly family. The situation changes, when an investor comes and offers a large sum of money for their half-ruined, dilapidated houses. Only one owner, Gia, goes against the deal, as he worked hard to redecorate his part of the house.


Thirteen-year-old Mariam lives with her father, Rezo, in the poor slums of Tbilisi. They share a one room shack. Mariam and Rezo are barely making a living, being forced to steal at times. Along with the struggle against poverty, Mariam also has to deal with the facts of becoming a woman and the fear that her father would betray her in order to make money.
