Ipshita Chakraborty Singh

A twisted tale full of murder, mysteries and deceit. The truth is not what it seems to be.

People who can’t be moulded into the stereotypes that society has set, often find it difficult to make a place for themselves in the same society. Hailing from a small town in India, Artika believes herself to be modern, liberal and most importantly, independent. Not the one who shies away from speaking her mind. She struggles to find a place to stay in Mumbai, overcoming the clichéd remarks of being a “single working girl living alone”. However, an unprecedented encounter with a transgender sex worker opposite her house, questions her beliefs. Will she now fall into the same societal prejudices that she has been fighting against?


At a time when politicians use violence to rid Maharashtra of Bihari migrants, a dying Maharashtrian cop, Bhonsle, finds unlikely companionship in 23-year-old Bihari Sita as the raging conflict reaches his doorstep, giving him a last battle worth fighting.
