Irena Laskowska

Teenager pretends to be mentally ill to get away from a reformatory.


A film about the life and activities of the Polish revolutionary Ludwik Waryński. In his memoirs, Ludwik returns to his student years in St. Petersburg, to Warsaw, to Krakow, where he was arrested and put on trial. After the end of the process in Krakow, Waryński leaves for Geneva, where he meets with Russian revolutionaries. In 1881, he returned to his homeland and created the first party of workers in Poland...

After leaving prison, Tolek plans to get revenge on his former girlfriend.


During a routine traffic stop, the police discovers the body of a girl in the trunk of a truck. Since the dead girl spent the night before with the driver of the car, he becomes the prime suspect. In the course of the trial uncomfortable truths surface.


Wlodek is a young man stuck in a dead-end job at the local library who lives with his harridan wife and critical in-laws in a small apartment. When Wlodek draws the interest of a library patron, the beautiful young woman encourages him to strive for better things in his life and professional career. Together, the two take off for a three-day affair, but surprises could await Wlodek upon his return home.


Wajda's homage to Zbigniew Cybulski, the "Polish James Dean" who starred in the director's ASHES AND DIAMONDS and died young. The movie follows the tribulations of a director attempting to make a movie with a Cybulski-like star who never shows up.


A man jumps off a moving train and goes to a small town to face its inhabitants, who seem familiar, but odd.


Poland in 1946. A gang of 'Thunder' is committing violent robberies and murders and terrorizes the population of a large territory, consistently moving away from retribution. Captain Morava gets to knoa that 'Thunder' has a well-informed informant between his pursuers. The captain comes up with a cunning plan.


A tale of a young impoverished nobleman, who with his uncle returns from a war against the order of the Teutonic Knights in Lithuania. He falls in love with a beautiful woman and pledges an oath to bring her "three trophies" from the Teutonic Knights.


A subtle, almost quasi-documentary tale of a confrontation between two lonely people — one from which true understanding cannot seemingly result.


In occupied Silesia, resistance is organizing. In close contact with the miners and led by an engineer, a group of partisans prepare the sabotage of the steel combine. The going will be tough as the place is closely guarded by the Nazis. But despite a denunciation from a traitor and several violent deaths, they get going and the operation is a success. But the Red Army is approaching and now the coal production must not be sabotaged anymore. On the contrary, the partisans must prevent the Germans from destroying the steel mill and the coal mine...
