Irene Sunters

History student Prentice returns home to attend his grandmother’s funeral. As the McHoan family gathers together to mark the solemn occasion, old disagreements continue to fester and old acquaintances are renewed. Following the unexpected death of another close relative, Prentice begins to question the past: why did his Uncle Rory suddenly disappear and where did he go? Reading his Uncle Rory’s unpublished novel may provide the answers he is seeking but it also unearths some dark family secrets he didn’t bargain for.


Sixty years ago Ian Sinclair was a revolutionary leader. Today he is in an old folks' home, but has not lost his sense of humour, or his appetite for the struggle. In protest at the proposed closure of the home, the old socialist firebrand embarks upon a hunger strike that ends up having wide-range repercussions.

Tony Roper wrote 'The Steamie' for Glasgow's Mayfest in 1987. Return to Hogmany 1957 when a fiesty group of Glasgow women; Mrs Culfeathers, Dolly, Doreen and the irrepressible Magrit, all meet at The Steamie to do the traditional family wash before the New Year. The Steamie is a hilarious cameo of Glasgow's social history where the washing was always easier to do when the Women shared their laugher and sorrow and a scandalous supply of gossip. This is the definitive version of the most popular play of the last 20 years with the all star cast of Dorothy Paul as Magrit, Eileen McCallum as Dolly, Kate Murphy as Doreen, Sheila McDonald as Mrs Culfeathers and a very young Peter Mullan as Andy, the whisky loving handy man.


"It never done a woman any harm to be at the end o' a back-hander." In a society where drunkenness and battered wives are treated as 'normal', Jean McLeod attempts to hold her family together. But after a particularly severe beating she decides to fight back.

Jake lives in the shadow of his dying grandfather, who was once the town's toughest hard man. Despite their hatred of each other, Jake's sole aim is to be as tough as the old man was. One day in Jake's life, as he drifts, drinks and fights, leads to a bleak realisation.


A Sense of Freedom is a 1979 British crime film directed by John Mackenzie for Scottish television. The film starred David Hayman and featured Hector Nicol & Fulton Mackay, is a based on the book of the true story of Jimmy Boyle, who was reputed to be Scotland's most violent man.


Police sergeant Neil Howie is called to an island village in search of a missing girl whom the locals claim never existed. Stranger still, however, are the rituals that take place there.


A horror drama directed by Dennis Vance.
