Irina Bezrukova

Kostya gathers his friends in a country cottage to tell them about the upcoming engagement. And at first everything goes well, but until the friends find out who the bride is.

Based on true and tragic events in the life of Vitaly Kaloyev, an architect and family man. In 2002, his wife and children die in a mid-air collision along with 70 other people, mostly children. Vitaly is one of the first people to discover the bodies of his family at the site of the crash. The blame is put on the company responsible for monitoring the air space, as well as the lone air traffic controller on duty at the time. Two years later, after much obstructed efforts to get apologies and answers, Vitaly flies to Switzerland to obtain justice.


A mighty king has lost his family because of the Snow Queen. He finds a way to expel all magic creatures from his world to Mirrorlands. Gerda and Snow Queen, along with all wizards and magicians, have to forget their offenses and disputes to defend their right to exist and not to allow fairytales to disappear from our lives.


After the devastating Spitak earthquake of December 7th, Konstantin Berezhnoy, a 50-year-old Russian, and Robert Melkonyan, a 28-year-old Armenian, work together to rescue the desperate survivors.


Is it fun to be panda? May be... But not for Misha whose job is to work as a panda during birthday parties.


The funny adventures of a characters of Russian folk fairy tales in the contemporary world.


The king decided to bring a soldier to a nervous breakdown because he fell in love with soldier's wife.


The plot follows the events surrounding Vladimir from childhood and into adulthood. In the beginning of the film, being under the influence of the high priest Krivzha, the Prince is a young, impulsive and cruel pagan. Fighting for supreme power, Vladimir wins a battle that kills his brother. Regretting what he has done, Vladimir does not suspect a conspiracy between the priest and the Pechenegs. Vladimir is concerned about gathering the Slavic tribes into one united state. Solving this major task, he faces obstacles, which Vladimir overcomes in the end, defeating Krivzha and winning the battle against Kurya, a Pecheneg chief.


The film is set in 1913 Russia during the celebrations of the Tricentennial Anniversary of the Romanov Dynasty. Rich Russian merchants are celebrating their wealth by gambling and playing poker. They are traveling aboard the luxurious cruise liner "St. Nikolai" on Volga river, oblivious to the fact that several gangs of crooks and con-artists are stealing their money in the game. Their target is the wealthiest Russian tycoon Satanovsky.


Once, before Christmas, Ivan was predicted to meet a foreign beauty. Forest sorceress for the kindness of a young man gave him a magical portrait of a Chinese girl named Xiao Qing. Her beauty struck Ivan in the heart, and he fell in love with no memory. Suddenly, the portrait came to life, the girl told the young man an amazing story. It turns out that the evil sorcerer took her from her parents against her will to make her his wife. The girl’s brother painted a portrait, where the soul of Xiao Qing moved, and the villain got only a barely living body, an insensitive doll. Now the sorcerer is looking for this portrait to regain the girl’s soul...


After a fictitious marriage with a Russian emigrant, Cellisten Louka, a Czech man, must suddenly take responsibility for her son. However, it’s not long before the communication barrier is broken between the two new family members.


For eight years she was his wife, lover, nurse, but he escaped to Brooklyn with her best friend. The case rescues heroine from suicide and she meets someone who is also in mortal danger. New fears and sudden passion revive her hopes.


A film following Richard the Lion-Hearted and the knight Kenneth


The group of immigrants who depart to the United States, by chance finds itself in a deserted forest. Cut off from the civilized world, they begin to build their "own America".


Co-operator Konstantin, returning from a business trip, finds a stranger at home. As it turned out, his friend gave the keys to Kostya’s apartment to his fellow students who were supposed to get married. But the bride Svetlana was late in the registry office, and the jealous bridegroom parted with her without hearing any explanations. Kostya allows Svetlana to stay in the apartment for a few more days ...