Irina Feofanova

Miroslava comes to life after the age of five. Miroslava was buried that the 6-year-old daughter Nastya calls her mother. Giving herself the status, she is not going to and begins to pretend that she does not recognize the woman. Miroslava moved a few months before the terrible accident, no. "Mama". Miroslava will get what she wants - her name, life and love of little Nastya.

After her father dies Vera is forced to become a president of his company and continue the business.


After discovering a time tunnel to 1960-ies a journalist decides to make some cash out of it.


An old tamer uncle Vasya with an old bear Gosha and their friends manage "Russian safari" for strangers where the bear must stay alive.


Co-operator Konstantin, returning from a business trip, finds a stranger at home. As it turned out, his friend gave the keys to Kostya’s apartment to his fellow students who were supposed to get married. But the bride Svetlana was late in the registry office, and the jealous bridegroom parted with her without hearing any explanations. Kostya allows Svetlana to stay in the apartment for a few more days ...

The first private enterprises are started in the Soviet Union in the late 80s. A gang of bad guys, owners of a private restroom, kidnap a good guy - owner of a toy store. Private eye Dmitri's first job is to try and free the store owner.


Lysistrata led the women of ancient Greece in forcing men to stop the war, that was devastating the land for 21 years. At secret assembly of the women delegates from both sides of the conflict, Lysistrata declared: "We must refrain from the male altogether - till the men come to terms of peace". Her instruction to every wife or mistress was to refuse all sexual favors whatsoever, and sit prettily dressed in best transparent silks, till the men yield to peace.


History teacher Nikolay Echevin on his sixtieth birthday receives an anonymous letter in which he is called the "center of public infection" and threatened with murder.
