Iris Ashley

A formerly blind scientist continues to feign his condition in order to thwart his philandering wife's romantic plans.


A bored millionaire wagers his doctor that he can support himself at a working class job for year without touching his inheritance.


The Loves of Mme. DuBarry was the American title of the 1935 British operetta I Give My Heart, based on the stage musical The DuBarry. German actress Gitta Alpar stars as Jeanne, the young 18th century Parisian milliner who sleeps her way to the uppermost rungs of French aristocracy, emerging at last as the glamorous Madame DuBarry, mistress of Louis XV (Owen Nares). Refusing to gloss over DuBarry's sexual peccadilloes (as previous films with Norma Talmadge and Dolores del Rio had done), the film presents the "heroine" as a whore, pure and simple-or, on second thought, not so pure and simple! Particularly troublesome for American censors was a scene in which DuBarry is depicted as a resident of a bawdy house. Otherwise, The Loves of Madame DuBarry is standard historical-drama fare, allowing dozens of top European actors to play "dress-up" for 90 minutes.


A woman disguises herself in men's clothes in order to follow her husband to the wars.


A Student's Romance was based on the operetta I Lost My Heart in Heidelburg, which in turn owed a lot to that old chestnut The Student Prince. In 1825, impoverished composer Max (Patric Knowles) enrolls at Heidelburg University. Local girl Veronika (Carol Goodner) falls in love with Max, helping him to finance his education and clear his debts. Alas, Veronika is left out in the cold when Max becomes enamored with gorgeous tourist Helene (Grete Natzler). Little does he know that Helene is the daughter of the Grand Duke (Ivan Simpson), meaning of course that their romance is doomed to disappointment. Leading lady Grete Natzler later changed her screen name to Della Lynd, and under that cognomen co-starred with Laurel & Hardy in Swiss Miss (1938).


Chided by his boss for a conspicuous lack of sensational stories, Lewis Bevan takes matters into his own hands to revive his flagging career.


A model inherits a great deal of money and pretends to be a movie star.


Set in Vienna, this lively musical comedy stars Bebe Daniels as an actress who falls in love with her secretary, but has difficulty in persuading him to propose to her.


An elderly couple's lodger, a British musician (Ivor Novello), becomes the suspect in a series of killings.


A man sponges off an old comrade from the First World War who believes he has saved his life during the war, although this ultimately proves not to be true.

A comedy film directed by Lupino Lane.

A film directed by Giuseppe Guarino.