Iris Cayatte

In 1917, outside the parish of Fátima, Portugal, a 10-year-old girl and her two younger cousins witness multiple visitations of the Virgin Mary, who tells them that only prayer and suffering will bring an end to World War I. As secularist government officials and Church leaders try to force the children to recant their story, word of the sighting spreads across the country, inspiring religious pilgrims to flock to the site in hopes of witnessing a miracle..


If ghosts can think and remember who they are, then the physical brain is not the only place where we store our inner selves. Helen is asked to train two young women into the art of communicating with the dead. But Helen's days as a medium are long gone. In fact, she gave up that life 15 years ago when she lost her daughter. Today Helen is a different woman dedicated to her career in brain research. Things start to change when a visit from the other side offers her the design of a device that can do amazing things. But to everything there is a risk.


The title cradle refers to a house, more properly a boat house, where the main characters of this story live. Anchored in a small marina, the three - a mother, the father and a teenage son - try to manage the small occurrences of a routine different from the usual in a different life. The relationship between the mother and her child is disturbed when a group in a neighbouring boat invites the child to join a small party and the child glimpses a piece of freedom. Through a sensuous look, reflected in the time that the film devotes to the small gestures, this is a melancholy bump over the passage of time and about growth.

A historical fiction series that, from the biographies and cultural and civic intervention of the poet Natalia Correia, the editor Snu Abecassis and the journalist Vera Lagoa (pseudonym of Maria Armanda Falcão), recalls the last years of the Estado Novo (Second Republic) - 1961 to 1973 - from the beginning of the colonial War to the eve of the April Revolution.

During a night of humiliation, Raymond lives an inner revolt and a kaleidoscopic journey in a country that is about to collapse.


Tiago doesn't understand the internet. Rita doesn't understand people. Tiago is a 5th and 6th grade History teacher who, against the will of his mother and his boss, lives without a smartphone or computer, completely offline. Rita is his antisocial neighbour, who loves videogames and procrastinating. Sailorspoon and Davintji are funny and wise youtubers... Whilst Sailorspoon dreams of a trip to Japan, Davintji suffers with the love life of his brother Marco. Diana searches for love with an app... She and Marco form a romantic pair that meets over the net. All of them trying to discover who they are, and how to survive in a world that is increasingly digital. Dick pics, hashtags, youtubers, memes. Illuminati confirmed!


Political comedy series about the political advisers of the ministerial cabinets and the opposition and their connivance with economic and political interests that determine how decisions are made.


Lisbon, 1971. A young housewife has the courage to find out if there is more to her world than her husband, her baby, and her home. What she discovers is a reality that will change her forever.


Locked away in a dungeon, an heretic prepares a witchcraft to escape.


Pedro and Laura are a modern couple and, for all friends, exemplary. Pedro is a young and successful manager who runs a parent company and has succeeded in a more successful case. Your wife, Laura, is also an architect. He has fun friends with whom he usually dines, goes out at night and goes on vacation together. Married five years ago, it's time to have a child. Modern and practical as they are, they have everything very well planned: they already know to whom daycare or child, in which private school the primary studies are shown, until the course is used when they grow up. In addition, there are some who have a child who is not prevented from living as always independent, but they do not just want to become "the parents of ...".


Portugal 1938. Pereira is the editor of the culture section of the "Lisboa," an unaffiliated evening paper. There is a civil war in Spain and the fascists are in power in Portugal, but he concerns himself only with his work – writing biographies of famous writers and translating French novels – and ignores what is going on around him. He hires Monteiro Rossi, an idealistic young man in love with a beautiful communist, as an assistant. He reluctantly helps them when they begin to get into trouble due to subversive activities. Eventually, events force him to take a stand.


A new film from Bruno Gascon.