Isabel Chan

Shan, a Hong Kong cosmetologist, learnt about the art of solitude during the lockdown period of pandemic. As the regulation of prohibition on group gathering was imposed in April 2020, Shan had to close down her small business and build a new daily routine.

Chi is a lousy real estate agent who muddles through life. Growing up, his mother has always told him to lead a simple life, until he reunites with his primary school P.E. teacher, Mr. Wong. Mr. Wong, who's been increasingly ill, wants to keep his promise to his late wife to finish a 10k race. At the same time, his student, an overweight student called Tin Sum aims to finish her first ever 5k race just so she can run with her idol. As Mr. Wong and Tin Sum fight for their goals, Chi, discouraged, stands at a crossroad and roams aimlessly in life. Until one day, memories from 20 years ago light up Chi's world. For once in his life, Chi swears to cheer himself on.

I Still Remember is an uplifting sports drama focusing on running, finding its protagonists at turning points in their lives as they seek to find purpose and keep promises. Physical education teacher Mr. Wong maintains he is a man of his word to his late wife by committing to running his first 10K race. Meanwhile, his former student Chi, inspired by an overweight girl’s efforts to slim down so she can run with her idol, starts running at a time when his career in real estate career is floundering, as he wonders what to do with his life.

After her boyfriend of 13 years suddenly breaks up with her, Sa Sa takes up the offer of a fully paid-for trip to Tokyo to record her recovery process.

Revolves around a group of individuals who are all connected by a lost bottle of breast milk.


From funny to warm & touching… A smile with tears story of a group of unsung dog rescue heroes The charitable film takes the "Paws-Men" as the backbone of the dynamic organization, bringing out the message of respect for the spirit of life and the love of animals, that hopes to raise public awareness of animal rights and interests. The movie is divided into four chapters, each chapter with a famous actor as the leading character. The Paws-Men are Tat Yan, Charlie, Seal, and Keith. When a dog is in need of rescue, the Paws-Men assemble to save the dog immediately like Batman. “Paws-Men” tells the story of rescuing dogs, in which Paws-Men encounter many difficulties, such as a dog eatery, bullies and a dog abusing granny. Yet Paws-Men witness true friendships between dogs and humans. This film makes us realize: Saving dogs is not hard. People are the real problem.


Shawn Yue and Miriam Yeung reprise their popular roles as a star-crossed couple who strive to stay together happily ever after, only to find their already precarious relationship further strained, when Jimmy’s childhood friend asks him to donate sperm, and Cherie is troubled by the re-marriage of her father.


When old flames reunite, will it be second time's the charm or a case of once bitten twice shy? Jimmy and Cherie, two ex-lovers from Hong Kong, cross paths in Beijing and can't seem to forget each other, despite being involved with someone else. Torn between fidelity towards their new partners or following their hearts, they explore the struggles, doubts and fears that exist among modern young couples


Jimmy is a mild mannered advertising executive in his twenties. While smoking in an alley packed with booming loudmouth co-workers and sharing explicit gossips and horror stories, he befriends a misfit cosmetics salesgirl Cherie who also likes to light up. An awkward romance soon blossoms amidst the anxiety of their nicotine rush. As they become more attached to each other, they also find themselves moving farther away from their regular hot pot pack into their own private alley, where their conversations suggest more emotional depths, covering the collision of reality and delightfully trivial matters of the bizarre people around them.


7 Short Story Collection from Hong Kong popular director, Elmond Pang. All about social problem in Hong Kong, delivered in a satirical way.


A money laundering scheme was uncovered inside a Hong Kong investment bank. The money vanishes and the international mob boss "Big Bob" demands the bank to return all of the money. First she starts with assistant chief officer Connie. In order to protect Connie, Connie's boyfriend and bank chairman Billy ask for "hired guns" from retired mob boss Uncle Ghost. Uncle Ghost sends his followers Nick, Big Brother, Ah Fei and female bodyguard Lisa to protect Connie. But where did the money go?


Flavia is a thirtysomething married teacher. She has suppressed the memory of her adolescent lesbian fling with Jin and is stuck in a stifling marriage. A chance encounter in a supermarket with the playful and seductive singer Yip reawakens dormant feelings and she begins to think back on her teenage affair with Jin.


A policewoman has always had the worst luck in love. On a trip to Malaysia, she finally meets the man of her dreams. However, her Perfect Man might not be all he appears to be.


A juvenile delinquent is sent to live with her grandmother after being paroled from the Girls' Penitentiary, only to find that the frail old woman could be her only hope for survival after getting mixed up in some seriously shady business. When Gucci (Isabel Chan) was tossed into lock-up, her father had already been dead for years. Gucci always thought that her mother would live forever, but upon getting out of prison she discovers that her mother, too, has passed away. Now Gucci's sole guardian is Wong Fei Hung (Helena Law), an old fashioned woman who isn't accustomed to change. At first aghast at the prospect of living with the crusty old woman, Gucci soon finds her life changed for the better thanks to grandma's wisdom and compassion. Later, when Gucci lands in trouble once again, grandma Wong Fei Hung leaps into action.


Mr. Au is a new homeroom teacher of Form 5E, a class that has the lowest class average and is well known for its trouble-making trait in school. Recognizing such notorious reputation, he uses his extraordinary method to teach and care for the students. Although he is pinpointed by other teachers, he eventually wins the support of Miss Lam, who is the daughter of the principal, and the students of Form 5E.


Mr. Kong is not a typical Hong Kong teacher. He isn't happy just teaching his students in his class, but he would rather go to rave parties and play along with them, as well as follow his female students and sit with them in their revision classes. However, by the time Mr. Kong wins the hearts of his students, the school revealed that he is not qualified to be a teacher.


A young man, blind and dumb, works as an audio tape typist in a hospital and fostering a tender and sincere relationship with a beautiful but introverted nurse. When hit by a car, he is the sixty billionth human being to die on earth, and is on transit to Polaris, en route to a yet more sophisticated form of existence in Vega. Given a reprieve of five days and a chance to be reunited with his love on earth, he cannot reveal his true identity behind the temporary facade he must present to her. Both boy and girl eventually learn, through a tangle of difficult and miraculous events, how love and good things always find ways of creeping into people's lives when people are not greedy and least expect these blessings.
