Isabel de Pomés

Rosa gives birth to a child who, by circumstances of life, is given for adoption to a wealthy family who lost theirs during childbirth. Soon, Rosa will be working for the new family of his son and, so, without anyone knowing, will give him all her love.


The story of doctor Santiago Ramón y Cajal, who adapting Golgi's silver staining method enabled the visualization of the real structure of the central nervous system, based on individual cells, the neurons. For which both were bestowed the Nobel prize in 1906.


A kid runs away from a children's home to find his mother.


Set in rural South of Spain in the 19th century, tells the story of group of outlaws, from very different origins, trying to survive, hiding from the law enforcement officers in caves in a hilly area, and their struggle against the evil mining company that exploits the poor people of their home village.


Jorge is involved in a robbery in which a man is killed. Following the incident, decides to take refuge in his home town where two of his brothers. Once there, despite the time elapsed, the old family feuds arise again.


A luminously beautiful, provocative young woman is rescued near a small fishing village on the Spanish coast. The scene is set for a drama of dangerous passion that threatens to tear apart the simple, tranquil life of the village forever.


Arcos de la Frontera, in the early nineteenth century, when Napoleon's troops invaded Spain. In house Alvareda they are preparing the wedding of the daughter with a young man named Ventura. But the wedding is not held because Ventura escapes after killing a French soldier. Years later he returns and resumes his relationship with his fiancee. However, a great secret weighs in his heart, he feels an irrepressible passion for Rita, the wife of his brother in law.


The creative and ambitious Carlos, a young Spanish film buff, manages to become a professional camera operator with time and effort, and is also blessed with the love of Anna, which he has longed for; but the outbreak of the Civil War in 1936 changes everything for both of them.


Father Carlos, a Basque priest, decides to leave voluntarily as a missionary to a village lost in the Philippines. From the first moment, their biggest aspiration would be to reconstruct an ancient mission. But to do so, he will have to face numerous difficulties.

Filiberto Aguirre abandons his career as captain of the merchant navy because he has well-founded hopes of receiving a great inheritance. But time goes by, the inheritance does not arrive and his family's economic situation worsens every day.


In Madrid, Spain, at the end of the 19th century, the young and reckless Basilio seems to be the only person who perceives the spectral presence of Professor Robinsón de Mantua, who begs him to take care of his niece Inés, because she is in grave danger.


Due to a rail accident, the passengers of a train had to be housed in a nearby town while awaiting the arrival of a relief convoy. In the train were traveling Alicia and Paul, a couple who will marry soon, along with her ​​mother, and George, a mature man who looks for a woman he loved. Due to the accident, they will have to spend the night there, where chance lead to a series of events that make the passengers no longer be the same.


Rafael works as a valet of the Marquis de la Peña. Accused of having committed a serious offense during his service, it is fired, although all is due to the machinations of the administrator. Shortly after an incident in which the Marquis is impaired occurs. Rafael comes to his defense, but will be charged again and imprisoned his wife Carolina. Their daughter will be given up for adoption.
