Isabel Guéron

Laura is hired as a teacher of two orphans who live on their uncle’s farm, in the countryside of 20th century Rio de Janeiro. Gradually, she notes that the children are under the influence of evil spirits and strives to find out what is behind this mystery. As Laura gets more involved with the situation, the more enigmatic the ambiguous behavior of the kids seems.


Lívia and Felipe are in a forbidden love story doomed to end tragically. A century later, they both have a new chance to make their love real again. “Time After Time” is an innovative romance set in two different eras in which characters hold the opportunity to make up for their mistakes, come to terms with the past and write themselves another story.


The great battles are the backdrop for the unfolding of the Egyptian Queen's personal life. The strategy of Cleopatra is to seduce the Roman General Julius Caesar and Mark Antony to protect their civilization.


Ivan Canabrava is a writer, turned insurance ivestigator who investigates mysterious deaths involving Bufo Marinus. Bufo Marinus is a frog poison causing catalepsy in humans, simulating death, enabling grand insurance fraud and other crimes. Ten years later, now as a successful writer, similar characters possibly using Bufo Marinus reappear and create an intricate plot full of surprises.
