Isabel Otero

Police Commander Louise Chaland is investigating the murder of a controversial sculptor with the help of her son Sylvain, who has become a priest. The body was discovered alongside one of his works, which has been daubed with Latin inscriptions. They soon establish a link with the disappearance of a relic of Saint Martin, the patron saint of the city of Tours. Their investigation leads them to a shelter for the needy, run by François Delcourt and his daughter, who was in love with the murdered artist. Clues start to reveal the disturbing fascination some inhabitants of Tours have with the missing relic. Louise and Sylvain will discover the rich historical and religious heritage of the city as the secular mother and pious son come to some sort of a reconciliation.


Maussane, at the very heart of Provence, with its olive trees and its charming squares. Deputy prosecutor Elisabeth Richard and local police commander Paul Jansac are investigating the murder of Caroline Autiero, wife of an old mill-owner.


A teenage girl spends her vacation in Asia together with her mom and dad. There she meets another guy from France, who uses her, and she is caught by the drug police, arrested and sentenced to jail. Now her parents need to do something to release their innocent girl and punish the real criminal. Conditions in prison are very bad, the authorities are corrupted and are only interested in their money.


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A woman encounters problems with a child she has taken in after devoting her entire life to humanitarian missions.

A mother, depressed since the birth of her twin daughters, sinks into alcoholism, but her eldest son decides to do everything to save his family.

The arrival of a first child disrupts the life of a young couple who had been living a free and carefree existence until then.

Two rival "brothers-in-law" make a bet that they can stop smoking for 2 weeks. But, it's just not that easy...


Circumstances force an unexpected maturity onto 15-year-old Tristan (Fernando Ramallo), an only child who had already been trying quite hard to "grow up" by losing his virginity. He accomplishes this easily enough by arranging for a prostitute to visit his home while his parents are off on a trip. But the life lesson he learns is different from what he'd intended when he learns of his parents' death in an airplane crash. When he moves into his grandparent's home, changes schools and falls in love for the first time, he is no longer able to keep intact his earlier snobberies and childish self-importance. This Spanish-language film is set in the later period of Francisco Franco's rule ('60s and '70s) and features excellent performances by its young cast.


The attractive Malena listen to after telling the history of her life. Her treasure is not just an emerald that she inherits from her grandfather, but the key to discover the path of her existence, the eternal fight with her sister, and the passionate relationships with men. Based on the bestselling novel by Amanda Grandes.


The crossroads of three characters: an old doctor with a general view of the world, a mother having difficulties in recovering her baby that she abandoned, and finally her young sister, a high school runaway in the heart of the problems of the suburbs. All three will meet around the Platonic tripartition, taken up by Paul Valéry: "To know... To be able... To want... Here is the triple key".


A young woman is sure that her son is alive

An unemployed man finds an abandoned baby one night. A journey that will get him out of a difficult situation.

An old farmhouse in southwestern France, not far from the Spanish border, serves as a refuge for Jewish refugees during World War Two.

Directed by Véronique Aubouy

A widower fights to keep the custody of his daughter that his in-laws claim.

An Austrian diplomat assigned to Paris wakes up after having a strange nightmare and finds himself emotionally distanced from his world. He feels absolutely nothing as he attends to his daily routine. He gradually begins to behave in an increasingly strange manner. The story is based on Moment of True Feeling, a novel by Peter Handke.


Arhangelos tou pathous: In anticipation of hearing a single word by midnight on his coming birthday, a self-destructive symphonic composer makes an out of bounds and dangerous bet on himself.


Antoine leaves his new bride behind to go on a skiing excursion with his uncle up the mountain behind their village of Derborence. Nine weeks after an avalanche apparently buries them alive, Antoine returns home. Certain that his uncle has also survived, he resolves to go back up and look for him—leaving his now-pregnant wife behind once more.
