Isai Kuznetsov

Polish schoolboy Janek, and Russian girl Tanya are traveling by a plane which ended up in the hands of a gang of drug dealers headed by ex Nazi criminal Henrich Scharf.


The continuation of the story started by adventure movie "The Lost Expedition" set in 1923.


An expedition of a few geologists is going to Siberia in order to found a gold sources during 1918.


Interstellar expedition equipped by "pioneers"(soviet scouts) reached Alpha Kassiopea and found that smart robots took control on hole planet. Their only goal - to make happy , as they understand, their masters. Happines was, actually, sutisfactions of primitive needs, and removing "disturbing" emotions like love, responsebility etc. A many years ago they succeded to reach this goal and all aborigines died out. A very little amount of people escaped from "total happening" and their descendants orbiting the planet in a big orbital station for many generations. Brave soviet pioneers land on a planet, destroy robots and bring it back to their residents


Start of interstellar expedition equipped by "pioneers"(soviet scouts).


Spring of 1918. Tarakanov, managing the estate of Prince Tikhvinsky, with the help of a former court fencing teacher Marquess and a street kid Keshka, is stealing a collection of paintings and sculptures from the abandoned estate owners. Hoping to transport her abroad, criminals wander with a circus troupe, and in their wake goes a tireless criminal investigator — Makar Ovchinnikov.


The film tells about the pioneer Andrew and his friend. They imitate the accident in front of foreign tourists on the water. The young correspondent Egor noticed this, and as a result, the portraits of the pioneer hang wherever possible, he receives an invitation to the radio, people shot a movie about him. And now, when friends wanted to retreat, they began to realize that it would not be as easy as it seems...


Four love stories connected by newsreels of the late 60s. Each short story begins with an epigraph taken from the Song of Songs of the Old Testament. The stories are interconnected by documentary shots and numerous interviews taken on the streets from passers-by who are asked the same question: “what does it mean to love?”.


A family comedy about funny adventures of two six-graders during the summer vacations.


Pilot Losev, who lost his family during the war, learns that his daughter Aurika was saved during the bombing, and sets off in search of her. The former pilot will survive many fates and stories before a familiar chorus of a lullaby helps him to recognize his daughter in a random fellow traveler.
