Isalinde Giovangigli

All the people in this countryside area, can count on Jean-Pierre, the doctor who auscultates them, heals and reassures them day and night, 7 days a week. Now Jean-Pierre is sick, so he sees Natalie, a young doctor, coming from the hospital to assist him. But will she adapt to this new life and be able to replace the man that believed to be irreplaceable?


Benjamin is meant to be a great doctor, he’s certain of it. But his first experience as a junior doctor in the hospital ward where his father works doesn’t turn out the way he hoped it would. Responsibility is overwhelming, his father is all but present, and his co-junior partner, a foreign doctor, is far more experimented than he is. This internship will force Benjamin to confront his limits… and start his way to adulthood.


Jamie, a young American exchange student in rural France, finds herself in the middle of a love triangle as she and the host family's wayward daughter fall for the same boy. As dangerous lies and dark family secrets surface, Jamie becomes the unsuspecting victim of a game of sexual intrigue.


One hot afternoon in the south of France, several paths are converging towards a tragic conclusion. Those involved are: Stéphane and Luigi, two cousins who have just emerged from adolescence; Georges, a retired old man; Amélie, Luigi’s girlfriend; and Amélie’s mother Anne. Little do they know how their lives, scarred by fear, humiliation and weariness, will become intertwined and propel them to a terrible outcome...


A widow of a billionaire, Marie-France Dubreuil-Joris is also a renowned pianist. Trying to manage her fortune as well as possible, she entrusts most of it to her banker, whom she particularly appreciates. But his butler also has after his money.
