Isild Le Besco

A fun fair, on a wasteland, on the outskirts of a small provincial town in the south of France.


A famous filmmaker works on his next film, which will focus on monstrosity. He is obsessed by the idea of finding a painting that will be central to the film and will crystallize all the power and beauty of monsters. But what he doesn't show to anyone, not even his wife, is the mark on his back that keeps getting bigger. This red mark worries him, upsets him, and seems to want to tell him something...


Tony is admitted to a rehabilitation center after a serious ski accident. Dependent on the medical staff and pain relievers, she takes time to look back on a turbulent relationship that she experienced with Georgio.


Thirteen European directors explore the theme of Sarajevo; what this city has represented in European history over the past hundred years, and what Sarajevo stands for today in Europe. These eminent filmmakers of different generations and origins offer exceptional singular styles and visions.


In Madeleine Among the Dead, Bonello wanted to tell Hitchcock’s Vertigo from the perspective of Madeleine (played by Kim Novak), not Scottie (James Stewart). He only filmed a scene of this project as part of another film by Antoine Barraud, Le Dos Rouge, in which Bonello plays the role of a director by the same name; a director whose films are all either invented or his “ghost-movies.”

A young woman makes a surprising discovery about the husband of her late best friend.


Annette is a young French actress. During her stay in New York to promote her latest film, she meets up with Alex, an Armenian photographer and long time friend. As the week progresses, they become inseparable and spend all of their time with together. They meet different people in New York and draw comparisons and differences with their own views and ideas of love, marriage, friendship and life. They have a special connection, but there is something unspoken between them. They begin to reveal themselves only when Alex photographs Annette throughout New York City. From friends to lovers there is only one step. Their relationship is about to unravel, but is it?

A wanderer named Timothee (Nahuel Pérez Biscayart) arrives in a French village in 1865 pretending to be deaf and mute. He uses tricks to hypnotize a beautiful young woman named Josephine (Isild Le Besco) and takes advantage of her until he is arrested and tried for his crimes.


On the outskirts of civilisation, three young women, Magalie, Marie-Steph and Barbara live a desperate life together. Drowning in alcohol, they both lust for and hate one another, coupling like animals. Yet gradually they become enmeshed in a complex game of love and domination. Magalie, the ringleader, subjugates through her male power, and bestial charisma. Simple Marie-Steph, her younger sister, remains in the background, and Barbara, unaware of her own prettiness, has joined the pack because she loves Magalie. One day, at Magalie’s instigation, and almost out of boredom, they hold up a bakery and kill the baker with a buckshot gun. Life gradually resumes, but nothing is the same.


Marie leaves home to study the piano at the conservatory in Lyons. Through lack of money, she is obliged to share an apartment with Emma, a friend of the family who has lived alone since the death of her father. The two young women develop a strange fascination for one another, which soon develops into an intense mutual need...


Brian Cox stars as Jacques, the curmudgeonly owner of a gritty New York dive bar that serves as home to a motley assortment of professional drinkers. Jacques is determinedly drinking and smoking himself to death when he meets Lucas (Dano), a homeless young man who has already given up on life. Determined to keep his legacy alive, Jacques deems Lucas is a fitting heir and takes him under his wing, schooling him in the male-centric laws of his alcoholic clubhouse: no new customers, no fraternizing with customers and, absolutely no women. Lucas is a quick study, but their friendship is put to the test when the distraught and beautiful April (Isild Le Besco) shows up at the bar seeking shelter, and Lucas insists they help her out.


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Six stories, six films that follow on from each other; this is a glance at the childhood of renowned directors whose style has marked the history of film. A group of young directors focus their cameras on the story of these filmmakers, these childhood stories that sometimes shape an entire life and thus shed light on their cinematic works. The stories overlap to merge into one film about childhood, filled with emotional wounds, frustrations and encounters.


A rebellious teenager and a "border-line" young nurse will learn to tame each other and get a fresh start in life...


After learning from her mother that her father lives in India, a young woman goes there to meet him for the first time.


Since her parents passed away, Princess Mona lives by herself in a castle with two hideous, ghastly characters, Goomi and His Lordship. One day her sobs draw the attention of a unicorn, called U, who wants to comfort and protect Mona for as long as she needs. U becomes Mona's companion, her confidant and her inseparable friend. While Mona grows into a beautiful princess, a group of charming, peaceful and fanciful Yeah-Yeah’s settles in the neighboring forest. They have no particular special powers, yet they soon bring about major changes in everyone's lives, especially in Kulka, the dreamy musician.


Un camping au bord d'un lac pendant les vacances d'été. Camille, 17 ans, y traîne son ennui coincée entre ses parents et son petit ami. Elle rencontre Blaise, la quarantaine, tout juste embauché comme moniteur de voile. Camille et Blaise connaissent tous deux ce même mal de vivre qui les rapproche et les éloigne des autres. Mais leur complicité alimente la rumeur d'une liaison qui exaspère leur entourage et déchaîne les passions. Ils se lancent alors à corps perdus dans une dangereuse histoire d'amour...


Antoine Santana - Issues of class, gender roles and parenting bubble to the surface in this 19th-century tale about a shepherd girl (Isild Le Besco) who farms off her own newborn to a wet nurse in the countryside so that she can earn high wages nursing the infant of a wealthy couple. The two young mothers soon become friends, but trouble arises when the bourgeois hubby takes issue with his wife fraternizing with the help. Émilie Dequenne and Grégoire Colin star. - Isild Le Besco, Émilie Dequenne, Grégoire Colin


An adolescent groupie zeroes in on her Blondie-like idol after the singer chances to cross her orbit on a publicity tour. Gradually their lives intertwine as, with near-operatic intensity, the film delves into the emotional dependency on both sides of celebrity culture.


A girl from bourgeoisie discovers the pleasures of banditism, following her lover in his lifestyle.


Une héritière qui n'arrive pas à hériter, un radin qui ne peut rien dépenser, un petit garçon qui trouve un billet dans la rue, un restaurateur prodigue qui ne fait que donner... Tels sont, entre autres, les personnages de ce film "choral". Pourquoi certains dépensent-ils de manière convulsive là où d'autres retiennent l'argent comme la partie la plus vitale de leur être ? On croit parler d'argent, mais c'est d'amour dont il s'agit.


After her parents' death, a young woman moves in with her unsophisticated country relatives with unfortunate results.


Demi-Tarif follows the low-key adventures of three young siblings, Romeo, Launa, and the youngest - Leo, left on their own in a rundown Paris apartment. One of them narrates, wistfully explaining how their mother abandoned them and calls them once in a while to see how they are doing or tell them she loves them. The three kids do as they please, roaming the streets, running out of restaurants without paying for food, and shoplifting from the local grocery store. They eat whatever and whenever they want, gorging themselves on sweets. They beg for change on the Metro and show up late for school in tattered, dirty clothes. All the while, they try to keep the fact that they are alone a secret from the world of adults.


A mysterious woman, dressed in black and carrying a small suitcase, arrives in Nice and tries in vain to get a job in a luxury goods shop. She ends up in a plush hotel where a solitary middle-aged man, engages her to be his companion. They introduce themselves - she is Charlotte, he is Paul. Both are reluctant to talk about their past; both need someone to make their present predicament more tolerable. Unbeknownst to either of them, Charlotte is being followed by another man, who seems intent on revenge...


Philippe, 25 ans, débarque un matin à Arcachon, où vit sa soeur. C'est un jeune homme qui n'a pas d'attache et à qui on se confie facilement. Il est saisonnier et travaille dans la restauration. Betty, 20 ans, est une jeune mère pleine de vie et de tendresse pour son fils, Damien, 5 ans. Ils vivent encore dans la cellule familiale et les relations entre Betty et son père sont conflictuelles. Damien est perturbé par cette ambiance. Sa mère trouve du travail, quitte le foyer familial et acquiert de l'indépendance. Betty et Philippe se croiseront...


In the nineteenth century, Adolphe, a young man of twenty four carefree years, plans to obtain favors Ellenore, a beautiful woman of thirty years, much more vulnerable. This yields to his advances and he disclaims all. But already, Adolphe loves less. Yet the idea of ​​the pain is unbearable.


Arrabal's sixth film based on his novel from 1969 with the same name as the movie.


'Kurt' claims to be a sales rep. He also claims to be English in spite of his heavy Italian accent. Kurt is an habitual liar and a dangerous driver, at the very least. In the south of France he meets Léa, age 16. Between his increasingly strange dates with Léa, Kurt engages in a number of armed robberies, some successful, some not... The police are perplexed by a series of crimes including disappearances and a murder. They conclude that they are dealing with a madman... After he proposes, Léa breaks up with Kurt. The attempt to find a new girlfriend leads to a shooting by Kurt, now calling himself André. Léa's information identifies Kurt/André as Roberto Succo, psychiatric patient and parental murderer. The police hunt for Roberto covers three countries.


A teenage girl from Paris decides to complete the aborted journey of a young man whom she secretly has a crush on.


A man prepares himself to be transferred to a detention center and rest home where he will relive one more time the highlights of his youth.


Gwen is a teenager living in a small coastal town. Lise is her best friend, a city girl who comes every year with her family to spend the summer. This year things are different though; at first Lise might not come at all, and when she does it is obvious that Gwen grew up faster than she did.


Marion is a 14 year old girl, on holidays at the sea. She is in conflict with her mother and family. She meets a man there, to whom she feels close. Back in Paris, she goes to see him again. For the first time, she is going to make love.


Anne doesn't have enough money to take her daughter, Mélody, away from the small provincial town where they live for a few days during the summer holidays. In the face of her daughter's disappointment and incomprehension, she does all she can to find the money.


A famous retired opera singer reunites with her children.