Ismail Osmanli

After the novelette of the same name of M.Ibrahimbeyov. Tahir is twelwe. His parents are seperating and he is troubled by incident which impels his guestion the nature of relations between men and women.


The film is a biographical true story about life of Imadaddin Nasimi, well known throughout the East for his school of philosophy and thought, poems and promotion of moral values in a feudal society. During the 14th-15th centuries, when Azerbaijan was a stage for warring powers and civil wars, Nasimi was the only poet committed to promotion of humanism and moral values inflicting criticism on the ruling system and the society itself. For his intruding role in feudal regimes, Nasimi lived a complex and tragic life.


This film was based on Samad Vurgun's "Komsomol poem". Seven sons, like seven samurai become the seven komsomols (communist leaders) who were sent to a village to establish Soviet power. Seven sons become the romanticized images of people's heroes ready to take revenge.


After the novel of the same name of I.Shykhly. The film is about new intelligenzia in Azerbaijan at the beginning of the XX c.


After the novel of the same name of B.Bayramov. The film is about life during war, about postwoman.


The film is about the replacement of four generation.

The film is about dramatic revolutionary events happened in 1918 in Baku.


The film is about events which has happened with the "Potyomkin" ship.


After the story of same name of S. Rahimov

In second half of XX century a couple of student who had been called "pioneer" in Azerbaijan USSR try to make a opening after repairing in Shah Palace. Indian wizard shows up and gives a rope to pioneers as a gift for reopenning of palace. Processes starts after that.


The film is about two fishermen who went through difficult ordeal during the shipwreck.


Popularly known by the name of the main character, "Mashadi Ibad" was based on a musical comedy by composer Uzeyir Hajibeyov and written in the early 1900s. The story is based on the age old-theme of a beautiful young woman Gulnaz who falls in love with a young man Sarvar but is obliged to marry someone else.
