Israel Elejalde

It follows Marina, a young girl that has been trying to escape the ghosts that follow her after a tragic event. She goes to Edén, a clandestine company located in the middle of nature to put an end to her suffering.

In a desolate town a group of men gathers: some are fleeing the crisis, others caused it.


Inés and Julia are on holiday doing what they like most – snorkelling. Every night at eight o'clock the girls stand by their father and wait for their mother to call.


A thief expert with blowtorch is hired by a group of the Russian mob for a bank assault.


The story of Francisca Sánchez del Pozo, " Paca ", and the Prince of letters, the Nicaraguan Rubén Darío. In 1956, Francisca Sánchez, married to José Villacastín, and already in the twilight of her life, receives in Navalsaúz two writers, Antonio Oliver and Carmen Conde.


LOVE ABOVE ALL THINGS is a passionate love story that unfolds over the course of five years. In it we witness the trials and tribulations Of Teo and Ana, their separations, reunions, euphoria, disappointments and joy. Ana cannot love any man other than Teo and Teo cannot live without Ana, but their love affair will not last, that is their destiny. Years pass and their lives continue with their peculiar love story that sometimes enlightens them and sometimes tears them down.


A hit man receives the assignment to kill a woman. But what seems as another job complicates when he is about to execute her, but does not. He will have to go after those who gave him the contract, for, in his profession, those who do not comply with their duty end up dead. But the question remains, why did he not kill the woman?


The father of a terminally ill girl is determined to grant his daughter her last wish, a very expensive anime costume.


A fragmented view of contemporary Spain, drawing conclusions about the persistence of the human condition, strangeness, and the chaos within relationships.


A man with arachnophobia buys a poisonous bird spider and sets it free in his apartment.
