Ivan Jevtović

Usually it is us who choose the dog, but sometimes the dog chooses us. By choosing one dog, Aleksandra, Jovana and Marija come into conflict with a criminal gang led by Sergej, a ruthless dealer. Aleksandra's American ID and her fiancee's FBI pass lead the criminals to mistake this for an international operation, and since the local cops are corrupt, the three girls are left with no choice but to take matters in their own hands.


Life path of Serbian princess Olivera, youngest daughter of King Lazar and Queen Milica, which is given as a peace offer to Sultan Bajazit's harem.


In Marseille, the young Serbian-Albanian Adria Shala is an illegal immigrant traumatized by her past. Every now and then Adria recalls her life in Kosovo, when she was saved from rape by a deserter called Srdjan Vasiljevic in 1999. They move to Belgrade where Srdjan becomes a gangster, dealing weapons and becoming an assassin. Adria learns how to shoot and helps Srdjan with his work at first, becoming his mistress later.


Anica lives in New Belgrade, a miserable district of tower blocks and concrete. She is mistress to Milutin, a wealthly local criminal who owns a solarium and runs a protection racket. Anica is determined not to grow old in this dump where neither love nor life seems to offer her a decent future. One grey winter’s day Anica has an idea to steal money from Milutin’s safe, get on a plane and leave the country forever.


Based on a comedy TV series about Serbian "aristocracy" during the Turkish "answer" to the Serbian Uprising during the Serbian-Turkish war in the 19th century. During this time it was of the utmost importance to take the right steps and wisdom is really needed for making those right steps. With the help of a fortune teller, Karadjordje (the leader of the Uprising) learns that, according to a legend, somewhere in the hills exists a Stone of Wisdom which makes you, if you hit your head against it three times, more wise. So he employs his nephew Crni Gruja, with assistants Ceda Velja and Bole, to find him this miraculous Stone. Crni Gruja finds the Stone and, convinced that he is really becoming more wiser, decides to make some business.


While floating down the Danube, two wannabe terrorists reach Novi Sad with a plan to set up a bomb there. A guy who walks near finds the bomb by an accident, and decides to simply throw it into the river thus saving the city from destruction.


The story takes place in a dilapidated building in the blocks of New Belgrade, whose tenants constantly fight and do bad things to one another. In the same building lives a quiet and young married couple, who are completely different from their environment.


Ringeraja is a movie about two brothers, Ringe and Raja. One of them is a criminal, while the other one is a graduate student - two different worlds. The criminal is trying to please his girlfriend's father, so he asks his brother to switch roles. He is going to pretend to be a student, and the real student has to act like a criminal.


Film "Normalni ljudi" is based on the motives of various writings by Srdjan Valjarevic. Srdjan is an excellent writer so unpretentious and humble that it is a crime placing his ideas into this context. I do not wanna go into the reason why did he except to sign this film. Oleg NOvkovic's approach to it is wrong from the very beginning. Surreal is only his attempt to make a noir film ( by: ninjakrme)


Sky Hook (Serbian: Nebeska udica) is a 2000 Yugoslavian film directed by Ljubiša Samardžić. It was Yugoslavia's submission to the 73rd Academy Awards for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, but was not accepted as a nominee.


A three-part anthology film.
