Ivan Kosykh

Feature film.


Army and police are trying to fight crime in West Belarus during Spring of 1945.


A group of Soviet soldiers are trying to prevent the chemical weapons trials by German army during WWII.


The plot of the film is based on real events of the Great Patriotic War. When the Nazis occupied Crimea, the actors of the drama theater of the city of Simferopol entered the underground group Sokol. The activities of the underground members were diverse: they put up leaflets with information from Soviet Information Bureau, compiled maps showing the strategic objects of the enemy, and supplied the partisans with medicines. On April 10, 1944, 3 days before the liberation of Simferopol, the underground members died from enemy bullets — they were shot on the outskirts of the city.


A young girl Marina suddenly meets an evil witch so adventures start...


Based on the story of Boris Mozhayev “The Power of the Taiga”. In the taiga village, where everyone is in sight, almost unbelievable happens — a local store is robbed. One of the rafters of the forest is recognized as a hacker. But some “inconsistencies” haunt the young precinct Vasily Seryozhkin. And in the end, he goes on the trail of the true participants in the crime...


A spy game between Reds and Whites is in full motion during Russian Civil War.


A clerk fakes his own death in order to get a big fortune.


According to the same story by L. Panteleev. About the feat of the young Red Army soldier Pyotr Trofimov, who, on a mission, delivers a package with a report to the headquarters of the Budyonny army.


During World War II, оld Georgian peasant wine-grower Georgy leaves his Georgian village and goes off to the front line, hoping to find his son. George should see and transfer a lot of things, he becomes a soldier and only in the last days of war finds the son...


The film is about the hot war summer of 1944. A group of several gun crews defends a tiny bridgehead on the right bank of the Dniester. The fates of the main characters: the front-line soldier-battalion commander Babin, the young lieutenant Motovilov, the nurse Rita Tamashova and the rank-and-file gunners, soldiers, among whom are brave people, faint-hearted and scoundrels, unnoticed heroes, are shown in a setting of several hours of peaceful life before another violent attack of the enemy, after which not everyone will survive...


A film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Boris Blednyy. A graduate of the culinary technical school of the cook, Tosya Kislitsyna, a naive and eccentric girl, came to the village lost in the northern forests. She sticks her nose in all affairs, seeks to help everyone. She met Ilya on the day of arrival: the "first guy in the village" fell upon her indignantly, and in the evening, to brighten up an unpleasant meeting, she decided to "make happy" with an invitation to a dance and was refused. Not accustomed to refusals, Ilya argues with Filya that during the week he will fall in love with Tosya...


A young woman is going to the village to start working as doctor.
