Ivan Krasko

A conversation between famous politician and a teenager changes both of them...

The whole life of the recent provincials, and now Muscovite Katie - one continuous selfie with a series of celebrities. Any intrigues for the sake of likes, any exploits in the name of “star instagram” status. But, the number of subscribers is still not enough and for the sake of the cherished goal, she goes to St. Petersburg to take a selfie with a mysterious artist who hides her identity, and thereby blow up the Internet. And at this time at the airport, a respectable stranger asks Katya to hand over the usual envelope to an unknown recipient ...


A story based on love between Anton Chekhov and a young writer Lidiya Avilova.


A mother is trying hard to love her five-years old daughter, but even the child's very presence continuously reminds her about the trauma of rape she survived five years ago. As troubled apparitions, fears and inner disorder of the mother begin to influence the little girl's psyche. Could the sincere affection of the child alleviate her mother's suffering?


Amateur actors read stories from a book describing the 900-day siege of Leningrad during World War II.


Это военно-морские байки, повествование о том, как на военно-морской флот прибыл гражданский штурман с обезьянкой на плече. В первый же вечер он обыграл своего командира на бильярде, не зная, что это его будущий командир. Штурмана ссылают на минный тральщик, который нужно отремонтировать, чтобы продать невероятному противнику «на иголки». Для ремонта с гауптвахты берут самых отчаянных матросов. Когда приходит время передачи корабля вероятному противнику, матросы топят его.

The year is 1817. Minon, a five-year-old girl, leaves her aunt Therese of Brunswick, who has raised her like a mother since her birth, to go and live with her parents, the Count and Countess von Stakelberg. One day, Gabrielle, her housekeeper, who is no longer in her right mind, reveals that her real father is the composer Ludwig van Beethoven. Twenty years later, still intrigued by this confession, Minon decides to unravel the mystery of her origins. She returns to the place of her early childhood, hoping to find the truth with her aunt, who was for years the faithful friend of the great composer.


A prominent Russian ballet dancer and teacher Alexander Shiryaev had another talent hidden for almost a century. Archive materials that date back to 1906 reveal his bold experiments at stop-motion and paper animation.

Alesha Popovich has to catch Tugarin Zmey and bring back the stolen money with the help of a talking Horse (which talks all the time and has an opinion on everything), a wise granny, a donkey and a beauty Lyubava.


When he refused to support power-hungry witch, the good shoemaker's boy, Jacob is transformed into a hunchbacked dwarf with overlong nose. Of their mother no longer recognized, mocked by the people of the city and driven away, Jacob runs one day a goose on the road. Together with the spring animal - in fact the king's daughter Greta enchanted - Jacob is now trying to make the transformation to reverse and put the wicked witch craft.


Outside the gates of the psychiatric hospital was 40-years-male with the development of 10-year-old child nicknamed Baby. In his pocket he had a ticket on the train, in the hands of the suitcase. But he can't get far. At the station when boarding the train, he immediately gets into trouble and loses his suitcase. At the same time he still gets from the police. Two teenagers, a brother and sister — kit and Alenka, left without a home and without parents, living in an old abandoned railway car, let him spend the night. The kid is sincerely attached to them and begins to take an active part in their hard free homeless life.

A romantic comedy about a twenty three years old Kirill who suddenly decides to become a gigolo.


Strangers on a train. Late in 1916, a brave and idealistic Russian officer in his 20s comes to his superiors' attention when he stands up to Rasputin at a nightclub. He's asked to carry important papers from Petersburg to Stockholm by train in the dead of winter, a dangerous mission. The first-class carriage may be full of spies, and soon after the train embarks, the man in the next compartment searches Obozow's luggage. A beautiful stranger approaches him, a woman older than he, on a concert tour; a game of cat and mouse ensues with patriotism and emotion sometimes on opposite sides. Can Obozow consummate the affair, reach Stockholm, and maintain his ideals?


A famous artist strives to find the secret of eternal life through the beautiful mannequins he creates.


About the death of Aleksandr Pushkin, the leading poet and writer of Russia, who was shot on a duel and died when he was 37.


Soviet television movie adaptation of the J.R.R. Tolkien fantasy novel "The Hobbit".


A story about the adventures of a few young kids during the Russian Civil War.


Veliky Ustyug at the beginning of the 17th century. Semyon Dezhnyov falls in love with the daughter of a rich merchant — Avdotya, but the groom is poor. The girl's father sets a condition: Dezhnyov must go to Siberia and get rich — only then will he receive consent to marry. Dezhnyov agrees and leaves for Siberia. Although he passes the test, he does not return to Avdotya. He finds a strait "from a warm sea to a cold one": from the mouth of the Kolyma he swims to the Pacific Ocean and opens the strait between the continents.


1928. Winter. Unprecedented construction of a giant plant Uralmash is getting under way. Rushing time of first five-year plans, incredible enthusiasm, inconceivable raging imagination, and also sabotages, provocation, suspiciousness, denunciation, famine and unsettled domestic life. And people of that time are the same, straight-out, resolute, goal-oriented, and moving towards the aim regardless of their own health. So is a main character a new head of the plant, a former Red Army cavalryman Alexander Bannikov (V.Gaev). He leads construction works as if he is marches into battle. It is exactly the kind of people of whom people say he lives for his work, and how one cant live for his work if at the height of the construction Moscow sends an order to stop it short.

Four third-grader friends live in an old Leningrad house, study in the same class and try to understand their parents and teachers.


A story about a colonel Denis Davydov - hero of the 1812 war.


The film plays one of a little-known pages of the biography of Arkady Gaidar, the young man when he was appointed commander of the detachment CHON (special-purpose parts)...


A poor boy named Tom Canty and the Prince of Wales exchange identities but events force the pair to experience each other's lives as well.


A story about the adventures of two teenage brothers helping ChK during twenties.

1918. Workers from Petrograd come to Altai region to establish the first agricultural commune. In spite of the hostility of the local White Army cossacks the workers build houses, cultivate land. The poor peasants are turning towards the commune. However, White Army cossacks take vengeance on the members of the commune.


A portrait of a Russian community in the late 19th century based on Chekhov's stories, featuring the author as observer and narrator.


Based on the novel of the same name by Nikolai Chukovsky. The end of August 1941. At night, a truck rushes along the last road not yet occupied by the enemy to Leningrad. In the back of two — civil aviation pilot Lunin and commissar of the air division Uvarov. Lunin, a man no longer young, experienced, but had not yet been in battle, was sent to the legendary squadron of fighter pilots under the command of Captain Rassokhin. This squadron fought from the first day of the war and has already lost most of its composition. The story of the harsh everyday life of the defenders of Leningrad, full of heroism and tragedy; about the heavy share of city residents who fell into the ring of an enemy blockade. In the center of the story is the fate of military pilots who had to fight in the sky over Leningrad and the Baltic.


Devoted to the last days of Soviet writer, poet, and Gulag survivor Varlam Shalamov, this film follows the efforts of two of Shalamov’s most devoted admirers to preserve the author’s legacy. Having lost his sight and hearing and living in a retirement home, he carried on doing the only thing that mattered to him — writing — until his final breath. This film is a testament to the value of writings that tell the unpalatable truths of the 20th century. To evoke the gritty texture of the Soviet world, Sententia is shot on 16mm black and white film.