Ivan Mendzheritskiy

A modern day adaptation of Dostoyevsky's classic novel about a young student who is forever haunted by the murder he has committed.


For several years, the head of a major construction trust Melnikov was accused of embezzlement, bribe-taking and immoral behavior in anonymous letters. As a result of inspections by numerous commissions, all these “signals” were not confirmed. Melnikov, unable to withstand the attacks and slander, died of a heart attack. Investigator Dzhangirov manages to expose the slanderer ...

The police received a statement about the disappearance of the collective farm procurer with a large amount of money. This served as the basis for the investigation of a complex criminal case related to major theft and murder. The case is being investigated by the investigator for particularly important cases, Stasenko ...


The events of the film take place in the early sixties of the XX century, when the exploration of Antarctica was just beginning and the ice continent was full of secrets and mysteries. A group of polar explorers, before being sent to their homeland, is given the task of re-preserving the Vostok intracontinental station.


Researching for a script about a famous scientist who tragically passed away, a writer meets his wife Anna who's been struggling with the loss. A tale of the couple's life and love unfolds.


In one small provincial town lives Savva Kulikov. In ordinary life, he is an exemplary Soviet citizen and an up-and-coming economist, but Kulikov has an unusual hobby — he trains his own pets, teaching them many amusing stunts. Among the "pupils" Savva already have a dog, a cat and even a parrot. One day the chimpanzee gets into Savva's hands. The animal was easy to train, with dexterity performing all the tricks of Kulikov, and he decided that his hobby should go to a new, more serious stage - performance in public. Circus friends help Savva break into the circus arena. The main character performs with his monkey in a local circus and the show was an incredible success, breaking a storm of applause from a grateful public.
