Ivars Kalniņš

Five novels about a radio network in our life. Someone use it as a tool for influence, someone for an expression of feelings and someone just for cynical calculation.


The action of the story takes place around the Christmas time, when, as usually, the most unbelievable miracles come to life. The story starts with Masha - future doctor and meanwhile an eager student of medical university, her best friend Lilka - a colorful and charismatic young lady who is always in search of man of her life, and Masha's grandfather, Andrei Ivanovich, who is her only relative - a kind but deeply sad amateur painter. The heroes live their ordinary lifes with their worries and laughs until at Christmas Eve they receive a phone call... Three Aunties, who named them self as distant relatives, announce their arrival within an hour. With their arrival the story becomes dashing and somehow magical.


Dasha’s whole life is one big love. Love for the only daughter with the strange name of Iya. “The name is from only vowels - and there will be no core in the character” - warned Dasha ... The heroine remembered these words when one day Iya simply left her mother. Gone from poverty and problems in a new beautiful life. Gone behind the golden skies from her children's drawing ...

In the past, the famous circus rider Maria learns that her favorite horse Senator, with whom she spoke, want to send to the slaughter. Then Mary decides to take a risky step and steals the horse from the circus.

A young woman, Regina, has been killed in her apartment. Investigator Anderson holds Regina’s husband as a suspect for a murder because he is unable to remember his location at the time of the fateful event. Gradually, Anderson is convinced that Oto has not only killed his wife, but he also tries to hide his true identity – notorious criminal Schmit.

Melodramatic movie with colorful elements of comedy and songs that have deeply rooted in the Latvian folklore. Love triangle - terminally ill university teacher, blind girl and young bard. In the background - wild arrival of the capitalism, political conflicts, city life and beautiful nature of Latvia. In the end love conquers everything though not everybody lives to witness that.


Action drama about a terrorists who kidnapped bus full of children in USSR.


The crew of the new American strategic missile submarine "Archelon" is struck by an unknown virus. The command must decide on removing the submarine from combat duty and sending the crew to quarantine.


Based on Lesya Ukrainka's drama "The Stone Master". Without the permission of the king, in Seville, under the pretext of meeting his fiancée Dolores, returns the disgraced Don Juan, a thunderstorm of husbands and grooms. The loveable protagonist gained fame as a ladies man and a wild tempest of female reputations. But for Don Juan there are no barriers to the desired goal. This time he laid eyes on the lovely Donna Anna. Obsessed with a passion for her, the hero protects her ancestral castle from the Portuguese invading the country ...


Olga, is a young intelligent woman who raises a young son. She ends up falling in love with a married man who does not dare to leave his family.


Members of the Shield and Helmet Masonic Lodge, sent by the CIA, are preparing a coup in one of the western countries. The criminal chronicle reporter manages to infiltrate the headquarters of the conspirators. The information he produces will play a decisive role in preventing the putsch. However, the successful journalist soon became convinced that he had discovered only the tip of the iceberg...


The struggle of Soviet and American intelligence agencies during the Cold War era


At the flying club Zina met a cameraman aerial filming Sergey Leninym, very seriously engaged in parachuting and after a while in international competitions has become one of the contenders for the gold medal. But soon fell into the gorge, the helicopter in which there was Sergey. And then Zina firmly decided to leave the sport…


‎Juggler Dan is beautiful and carefree and not too eager to become the circus main star. However, the meeting with Olga, who has no doubts about his talent, makes Dan think about a creation of anew circus show.


Russian naval pilots risk death to help stop a American Submarine whose defective reactor threatens a nuclear meltdown.


Silva Varescu, a self-sufficient and professionally successful cabaret performer from Budapest, is about to embark on a tour of America. Three of her aristocratic admirers, named Edwin, Feri and Boni, prefer her to stay. Edwin, unaware that his parents have already arranged a marriage for him back home in Vienna, orders a notary to prepare a promissory note of his expected marriage to Silva within ten weeks.


A famous singer is going through the dark period of her life...


As the classic rightly noted, it is customary to treat the diseases of wealthy people with respect. Only a heart transplant can save the dying life of a millionaire Ferfax. In search of a suitable donor for his best client, Dr. Jones makes a series of killings. But he still does not know what reward awaits him for the services rendered ...


Egor Polushkin (Stanislav Lyubshin) is a kind-hearted, nature loving, artistic family man who is living in a small village. To his neighbors and even his wife (Nina Ruslanova) he is a walking disaster, so they frown at him and call him Bedonosec (engl. misfortune bearer). Only Egors son (Viktor Anisimov) shares his enthusiasm for the beautiful things of live. As Egor becomes the new forest ranger, this new position brings him not only joy, but it is also the source of great suffering to come, as his fondness for the living nature and especially the newly acquired white swans is in conflict with the interests of others...


In March 1946, Andrei Bologov, a graduate of the Leningrad Party School, arrived in one of the western regions of the country to build a peaceful life on earth, where unfinished fascist gangs continued to rage. Andrei was given the task of organizing the removal of harvested wood from distant plots, but barely left the claws of the "forest brothers" of Krakowski. The trainee from the party school and the local chairman of the village council, together with the residents, had to fight one of the many fascist detachments, consisting of traitors, deserters and ideological fighters against the Soviet regime ...

Sudden arrival of a police inspector in the middle of a bourgeois family's dinner party reveals various sordid and shameful secrets that may have contributed to the recent suicide of an impoverished young woman.


In one of the prestigious restaurants during banquet speech a large company's director Palmgren is killed in front of dozen guests . Case is lead by Criminal Investigation Officer Pierre Monson with his assistants. Suspect can be easily intercepted if only miserably lazy police officers Kvant and Kristiansson instead of catching criminal would not argue with father of little 3 years old boy who yelled: "Police, police, mashed potatoes" when they ate hot dogs. Help comes from capital in form of the famous Commissioner Martin Beck, who discovers that murdered industrialist was involved in illegal activities and had many enemies. The case is linked as well with government's "higher ends".


With a traditional archery contest, the winner wins a silver arrow with gold lace and gold feathers. Even Robin Hood, although unrecognizable, takes part in this competition. As more and more participants are losing and Robin Hood eventually wins the award, his masquerade reveals. For none of the participants is as handy with a bow and an arrow like Robin Hood. With the help of his coolness and his friends Robin Hood may escape the dangerous situation.


Ten year old Sancho arrives to Leningrad and starts looking for friends.


A feature shot as a documentary, with minimal interference in the surrounding action. The resulting film is a truthful and innocent portrayal of the era with no imitations or conscious borrowings but with its own avant-garde experiments.
