Jack Dougherty

Frenzied comedy starring June Lang as a reporter investigating the mysterious disappearances of four men who had all withdrawn large sums of money from the local bank in Stockton, Ohio.


A bohemian free spirit helps meek Waldo win back his fiancée and falls in love with her over-controlling sister in the process.


The old west range war story transported to Georgia, with Autry as the hero.


Russ Matthews, a theatrical agent who is not above pulling off a hoax or two or more to further the career of his clients (and himself), and a newspaper gossip-columnist, Carol Wilson, get involved with gangsters when one of Larry's radio-program future-predicting cons gets out of hand.


The Jones family is in an uproar when Dad's campaign for mayor appears sabotaged by an anonymous newspaper article.


A young lawyer is determined to identify the killer who is murdering members of a wealthy New York publishing family. Director Erroll Taggert's 1936 mystery stars Bruce Cabot, Magaret Lindsay, George Zucco, Joseph Calleia, Charley Grapewin, Stanley Ridges, Vivienne Osborne, Edward Pawley, Theodore von Eltz, George Lynn, Eadie Adams, Raymond Hatton, Jonathan Hale and, in the small role of a newspaper reporter, Dorothy Kilgallen.


Orphaned shoeshine boy Spanky is working on a Mississippi riverboat during the Civil War. There he befriends young runaway slave Buckwheat. After wronging a vicious gambler, Spanky and Buckwheat are forced to jump ship. Finding solace at a nearby house, the two are picked by Marshall Valiant for an important mission. This inspires Spanky to organize the local kids to form a small army of their own.


Corrupt politicians resort to murder and blackmail when a young boy accidentally witnesses them taking payoffs.


A boy's father is an unjustly accused fugitive, and the boy's scheming uncle plots to become the youngster's guardian and take over the family fortune.

Dave Saulter (Gary Cooper), a rambling young cowboy drifts into a small western town the day a big gold shipment is leaving by stagecoach. Two different people plan to rob the stagecoach...Buck O'Hara (Jack Dougherty, the driver who is very trusted, and a stranger,Texas Jack (Christian J. Frank). Dave gets involved and is accused of being one of the robbers.

The second and last of Eddie Cantor's silent vehicles, Special Delivery casts the wide-eyed comedian as a hapless mailman. While going through his swiftly appointed rounds, Eddie stumbles upon a gang of crooks who are planning a large-scale confidence scam. He exposes the villains and wins the love of heroine Madge (Jobyna Ralston). Though Cantor was a fine physical comic, he didn't truly score in films until the arrival of talkies allowed his fans to hear as well as see him. Special Delivery was directed by "William Goodrich," who in reality was comedian Fatty Arbuckle, hoping to stage a comeback after the sex scandal that destroyed his career.


Joe Foley, charged to deliver a trainload of cattle to his employer, is forced to commandeer the engine when his engineer refuses to continue until he has observed union rest rules.


After crashing his plane in the wilderness, a young airborne forest ranger is nursed back to health by a mountain man and his pretty daughter in this 18-chapter serial from Universal.

A group steals a death ray in order to terrorise the world into peace. The inventor and his daughter try to retrieve the death ray with the aid of a government agent.

Money, Money, Money is a 1923 silent film.

Lonesome Luck is a 1923 silent film.