Jack Hobbs

Shortly after the start of World War II, a ukelele player (George) takes the wrong boat and finds himself in (still uninvaded) Norway. He is mistaken for a fellow British intelligence agent by a woman (Mary), and becomes involved in trying to defeat Nazi agents.


George Brown (George Formby) is rejected as an Air Raid Warden and in doing so sees his potential to join the Royal Air Force. His dreams could soon come true as he realises that in fact his friend has left behind some very important papers, he dons a his Royal Air Force uniform and delivers the papers when he is mistaken for a dispatch driver from HQ. He soon becomes the butt of jokes from his sergeant which ends him staying indefinitely at the air base. George soon falls in love with the Sergeant Major's daughter and when he discovers his real identity he threatens to report him. On the day of an annual inspection George attempts to escape the base and ends up in a plane, while the inspecting officer watches on, George's plane display is mesmerising and the inspecting officer insists he should be commended, in order to save their skins George manages to land the plane and is accepted as a flyer by the RAF.


George Gommery enjoys slipping up to town to see some little actress, and never suspects that his wife can play the same game just as well as he can. Or at least, he never suspects until he tells his wife that her lover is engaged to the woman whom he has been entertaining in London.


Two feuding millionaires try to destroy each other's business while their children fall in love with each other.


A singer tries to find success


A bank manager who has successfully bought into a lucrative gold mine manages to foil the plot of some confidence tricksters who plan to swindle him out of his investment.

Produced by the highly acclaimed Michael Balcon, the story revolves around Robert, the son of the owner of a musical instrument factory. He is in love with Vera, one of the factory workers, who is unaware of his position. So when she jokes one day that she would love a Rolls-Royce, Robert makes sure that she gets one. Then he decides to raise her salary out of all proportion to hint at who he is...


A newlywed has a trying time proving his innocence when his mother-in-law catches him kissing another girl!


Charting the military escapades of serial bungler Tommy Josser, Josser in the Army sees the hapless hero in France during wartime, where he masquerades as a German general, unmasks a spy, gets captured and then makes a spectacular airborne escape!


A frugal coal miner turns into a spendthrift when he wins £20,000 on the football pools!


The Love Race is a delightful musical comedy film based around the fierce rivalry between two motor manufacturers – and the romance that develops between the daughter of one and the son of the other...


When financier Reginald Bingham leaves on a business trip to Paris, normally devoted wife Eleanor leaves for a cottage with a secret boy friend. The couple are followed by friends of her husband, who attempt to hinder the affair. However, Reginald is also tempted by a fling with an old friend in Paris.

Love Lies is a 1932 British musical comedy film directed by Lupino Lane and starring Stanley Lupino, Dorothy Boyd and Jack Hobbs. It was made by British International Pictures at Elstree Studios. It was based on Stanley Lupino's own hit 1929 stage musical.

A comedy film directed by Lupino Lane.

An actress thwarts a blackmailer by taking the blame for her sister's compromise. Based on the play The Pillory by Brandon Fleming.

A country girl inherits, weds a Duke, and meets her dead brother's family.

Holmes is consulted on a matter of grave national consequence--but with surprisingly little cooperation from the government he seeks to protect. Where is the naval treaty? Why has it not appeared on the continental crime market?

An actress poses as an heiress who died, and dies fighting blackmailing detectives in a burning house.

A killer distracts his victims with a hideous face peering through the window.
