Jackie Sardou

Movie producer Léon Blachurpe is about to produce a big budget movie about Adam and Eve. In order to get the money, he agrees to hire ex movie star La Maldiva to play the lead part, but she's old and ugly, so the scenes are actually shot with the stunt woman !


An international intrigue with terrorists threatening to blow up the presidents of the most powerful countries.


It's about a couple owning a small hotel who are trying to sell it.


Maria (Jacqueline Maillan), a great tragedian, has desires for radical change in her career. Singing, dancing, changing registers and getting younger: it has become an obsession. To get there, she calls on her ex-lover Simon (Michel Roux) whom she left in the past, who has become a popular choreographer for stars on Broadway. The reunion is somewhat tormented ...

The sweet elderly aunt and her two nieces survive the vendetta killing of their whole family because they are out picking flowers at the time. Undaunted, the aunt, a tough old Corsican, tracks down and kills all but one of the men who wiped out her kinfolk.


The second part of the Seventh Company adventures.


1944. Léon Duchemin owns a restaurant with his sister. His clients are Germans, Résistance et black marketeers. Léon unwillingly joins the Résistance when a British pilot is shot down and hides in his attic and, through a series of mishaps, he accidentally steals the plans for Hitler's V1 missiles.


A young priest works as a barman in a Pigalle cafe in Paris. He tries to prevent the women there to prostitute themselves....


Princesse Nadia Vronskaïa is a veteran con artist who uses her feminine wiles to bilk wealthy, susceptible old men. Inevitably, she outsmarts herself when she falls in love with one of her victims. In concert with her new beau, she turns the tables on her former partners in crime.


"Easiest Profession" - Tistin is the only unemployed man in Clochemerle. Obliged to use their tax money to keep Tistin alive, the other guys in town insist that he find some sort of work. Tistin obligingly takes a few jobs, working for the various ladies in town. Before long, the menfolk become convinced that Tistin is using this cover to play the field, and they're angry at him all over again.


Sylvie is a young cashier in a Montmartre café, "le bar des Philosophes", owned and run by Monsieur Marcel, a former safe cracker. One day, the pretty creature accepts to give a helping hand to two regulars, Francis and Josélito. But what the naive girl does not know is that the two men are gangsters and that they plan to steal 50 million francs deposited in the safe of Maître Roland Devert, a charming young notary. Actually things do not go according to plan all the more as a love story between the notary and Sylvie was not at all on the two gangsters' agenda.


Young conductor Roberto Lombardini has never known his father who is actually a former musician, a failed piano player who has sunk into alcoholism.


When a measles epidemic forces the temporary closing of a child care center, the son of a film star and her estranged husband, a concert pianist, is mistakenly delivered to a touring musician.
