Jacques Disses

A beautiful felon, sentenced to life in prison for the murder of a policeman, is given a second chance - as a secret political assassin controlled by the government.


With the dangerous smoothness of a tiger stalking his prey, Peter has circled the au pair Michèle. She quickly succumbs to his fascinating charisma and experiences for the first time a hitherto unknown, tender security. "I'll kill you," says Peter, as gently as cold-bloodedly. A macabre joke or a serious warning?


A clique of four young teachers at a high school looks critically at their colleagues. To avoid falling in the same routine, they bring new ideas into the school lessons and play little games and pranks in their spare time -- sometimes get even more childish than their pupils. When they get opposition from the other teachers, they play tricks to get rid of them.


Félix, disguised as Father Christmas, hands out leaflets advertising a sexy Christmas party. His place is taken by an African Santa Claus and he returns to his caravan only to find his girlfriend Josette about to leave him. When he comes after her, she takes refuge at "SOS Distress", run by two neurotics, Thérèse and Pierre.


Deux petits truands sans envergure rêvent d'aventure et de vie facile. Ils acceptent de partir travailler dans le Poitou en tant que représentants d'encyclopédies musicales de luxe. Mais leur amie Valérie arrive de Paris et vient semer la pagaille.


French TV movie.


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