Jacques Séverac

Set between Christmas and New Year, the film told the story of six criminals who kidnap an ambassador's daughter and await the ransom; enter Monsieur Wens, who infiltrates their hideout using various comic disguises, bumps them off one by one and rescues the little girl.


A routine look at the indominatible spirit of impoverished young boys in Morocco, this drama by Jacques Severac also does not ignore the rather oppressive conditions under which the boys live. In one story, a little fellow has set his heart on buying a sewing machine for his mother. Like the other shoe-shine boys, his goal of saving up money is almost impossible to meet yet after much travail he is finally able to get her a machine. Sadly enough, his triumph is destined to be short-lived when the much-desired sewing machine is broken in an accident. Undaunted, the lad decides the only thing for it is to start again from scratch.

Pacos Le Maltais, leader of a gang, lays down the law on the quay of Marseille. He fires one of his henchmen, Le Chinois, who killed a woman during the last bank stickup.


Olivier 's got skeletons in his closet and on the farm he is the perfect intruder.


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