Jahangir Ghaffari

Terrorists strike, an American agent is executed, and our ambassador and his daughter taken hostage. Sounds like a job for Steel's Angels, a crack anti terrorist outfit led by Lt.Col. Steel (retired Lt. Col. Us Army Special Force and much decorated Vietnam war hero) and fronted by some of the sexiest commando's ever to pick up a submachine gun. State-of-the-art weaponry, rockets, fighter planes and action climax that rivals anything on film make RESCUE FORCE a must see for action film fans everywhere.


Director-actor Frankie Chan does multiple duty in the action comedy vehicle The Good, The Bad & The Beauty. Frankie Chan is Inspector Hor Sun Chun, a tough cop investigating a smuggling operation in which airline stewardess Ko Sau Ping (sultry Cherie Chung) is possibly involved. Realizing that she may be in danger, Sau Ping feigns amnesia, and uses Sun Chun's smitten partner Tang Tat Kit (Kent Cheng) as a possible smokescreen. Meanwhile there's action, and plenty of it! A seasoned director, actor, composer and action director, Frankie Chan uses his myriad talents to the nth degree as he combines gunplay, stunts, and laugh-a-minute hijinks in true Hong Kong Cinema action-comedy style!


Fiery blonde half-breed Yellow Hair and her easygoing sidekick the Pecos Kid are after a fortune in Mayan gold. The courageous duo have run-ins with an army of Mexican soldiers, a gang of dastardly bandits, and a lethal tribe of Aztec warriors while searching the countryside for said gold fortune.


Born in a tribe of fierce warrior women, Hundra has been raised to despise the influence of men. An archer, fighter and sword fighter, Hundra is superior to any male. Hundra finds her family slain and takes a vow of revenge until one day she meets her match.


A kung fu action movie... from Spain.


A group of nuns become possessed by demons and are then tortured in a dungeon of horrors during the inquisition.


A young couple traveling thorugh the Pyrenees stays overnight at an ancient Spanish castle, only to discover that it is the headquarters for a coven of witches.


This film is about Zagor’s revenge upon four men that persecuted his family. Rodrigo, Lopez and Şerif take the mine that Zagor discovers. They don’t even give him a share. They deposit him famished, thirsty and on foot in the desert. Along the journey, he meets Mr. Taylor and his daughter. Mr. Taylor teaches Zagor how to use a gun quickly. Zagor goes back and settles the score with those who have done him wrong. But the villains do not sit idle. They kill Zagor’s sibling Katito, mother, and father. They also kill Mr. Taylor and steal his horse. Zagor marries Mr. Taylor’s daughter. He then exacts revenge on Rodrigo, Lopez, Şerif and Karlo one by one

This film is about the adventures of cowboy Tom as he sets out to exact revenge on his father’s killer, Taylor. Tom is a cowboy from Nevada. He lives on a ranch in Nevada with his father. One day, he goes to Texas. He gets into trouble here, and is unable to return home for a while. Forced to work in a stone pit, Tom eventually escapes. But once he gets home, he finds the ranch burned down and his father dead. Tom goes back to Texas to avenge his father

Gul is a famous singer, married to Captain Engin, who has studied law. Engin goes to Korea during the war. One day Gul is told that he is dead. Her violinist, Cemil fancies her. One day Gul meets Engin again, yet Cemil continues molesting her. Engin takes his daughter while Gul gives becomes an alcoholic and is miserable. Engin learns about her condition and decides to go to her but in a car accident he becomes blind. Gul starts to work in their house under a false name, Seher. In the meantime she gives piano lessons to their daughter Oya. Engin regains his eyesight after a surgery. Cemil attempts to rape Oya, but Gul reaches in time, saves Oya and kills Cemil. Oya finds out that Gul is her mother and asks Engin to defend her in court. A happy future awaits all three.


The story of cowboy Bill, who comes to town to avenge his murdered father.

The story of a cowboy who fights a bandit gang that is after him.

This film is about two outlaws that come head to head. Kamil is the famed outlaw of the town. He plans to skip the town with his lover Nesrin, and get rid of his outlaw ways. Ahmet, on the other hand, is an outlaw whose reputation has spread to the entire country. At the end of his nine-year prison sentence, he is exiled to town for six months. The rumors that spread following the news of Ahmet's arrival aggravate Kamil. Ahmet is looking forward to meeting his mother who he has been yearning to meet for years, and doesn’t complain about what is being done to him. But someone else is doing their best to make the two outlaws fight one another

Ali gets a job and, by dint of dedication and patience, achieves a significant promotion and ends up becoming the manager of the company, as well as winning Meltem's love. However, this is not to the liking of his cousin Cihangir and his father, who instead are totally broke and want to get their revenge on Ali.
