Jair Bolsonaro

What would the pandemic have been like in Brazil if the government had used all the potential that the SUS (Brazilian Federal Health System) offers? What could the country's 300,000 health workers have done to combat the uncontrolled transmission of the virus? How many deaths would have been avoided if we had done contact tracing, mass testing and invested in effective prevention and awareness campaigns? How many children, wives, husbands, mothers, fathers and brothers would have lost the most important people in their lives if the president of the republic had not bet on the strategy of intentional contamination to generate collective immunity, despising vaccines and betting on charlatanism (and corruption)?

“Breaking Myths” aims to open the world’s eyes to the fragile and “catastrophic masculinity” of Brazil’s current President Jair Bolsonaro, a fanatical far-right politician who can best be described as the Brazilian Donald Trump — and who is up for a second term this October. The story is told through the lens of the critically acclaimed Brazilian filmmaker and LGBTQ activist Fernando Grostein Andrade (“Abe” Sundance 19), who directed, wrote, and produced the feature alongside creative partner Fernando Siqueira as the first release under his production company in California, FilmSoul Studios.

This documentary tells of the extraordinary rise of Jair Bolsonaro, from relative obscurity to the ultimate seat of South American power. Told through intimate interviews with some of those closest to him including his eldest son Flávio, former government ministers, as well as his opponents, explore Bolsonaro’s brilliant yet ruthless journey to the presidency, with high-stakes drama, guns and God.


A documentary about Brazil's President, Bolsonaro.

The documentary follows the events behind the mysterious attack on presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro on 6 September, 2018, when Adélio Bispo stabbed the candidate during a rally in Minas Gerais. Did he acted alone as everyone believes or a conspiracy involving people close to the politician were involved in order to get gain an election? Several questions are raised in this special report.

The battle against deforestation in President Jair Bolsonaro's Brazil is also a fight against criminal networks and corruption, drawing in politicians, militias and drugs gangs. The FT follows the fight as it cycles from the cities to the rainforest, and meets the indigenous people trying to save their land

Found footages from the future are discovered on the computer of the man who tried to kill Jair Bolsonaro in 2018. These videos show Brazil becoming a cyberpunk dystopia after the re-election of Jair Bolsonaro.

In times of rampant populism and increasing distrust of the elite, the filmmaker accompanies the 81-year-old founder of the controversial World Economic Forum over the period of one year in his efforts to implement his leitmotif: to improve the state of the world. Can the WEF contribute to solving global problems? Or is it rather an integral part of the problem?


A cautionary tale for these times of democracy in crisis—the personal and political fuse to explore one of the most dramatic periods in Brazilian history. With unprecedented access to Presidents Dilma Rousseff and Lula da Silva, we witness their rise and fall and the tragically polarized nation that remains.


How twenty cents began a conservative revolution.

A recent experience of being an asian-brazilian.

A strong record of the facts, characters and political articulations behind the country's biggest political crisis since the end of the military dictatorship. Recorded inside the Congress during the months that preceded Dilma Rousseff's impeachment process, the film reveals the conspirators of Dilma's fall and their personal and partisan reasons, answering who, how and why a president is overthrown.​


To understand the obsession with federal deputy and presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) and how his network of support is structured on the internet, VICE went to São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul to investigate its largest bases of support in the country.

Jean Wyllys is one of the MPs of Brazil's National Congress. The politician, who is also a journalist and teacher, fights for minorities, as well as being one of the greatest representatives of the LGBTQ+ cause. Now, he exposes a period of three years of his routine in the public sphere, which provokes a reflection on a time of polarization in Brazilian politics.
