Jalmari Helander

Deep in the wilderness of Lapland, Aatami Korpi is searching for gold. From time to time, the overflight of bombers and the distant sounds of war can be heard in the autumn night. Finally, the hard work is rewarded and the gold dust in the pan grows into gold chunks, and Aatami sets out to take his gold treasure to the nearest city. After he stumbles upon Nazi patrol led by SS Obersturmführer Bruno Helldorf, a breathtaking and gold-hungry chase through the destroyed and mined Lapland wilderness begins.

Van Hamilton’s first ever trip to his mother’s homeland, Finland, takes a wrong turn as soon as he gets off the plane. The 23-year-old rich kid from California was supposed to have a five-star holiday with his girlfriend Rachel. Instead, he is handcuffed and sent to faraway army barracks to be trained as a commando. Van soon realises that this is not a mistake: he has fallen into a trap set by his parents, who hope that serving in a foreign army will finally turn their loved but spoiled son into a responsible man. Meanwhile, Rachel has to learn to survive in Helsinki without money or a return ticket. She becomes friends with Van’s cousin and his underground rap trio in hopes that familiarizing herself with the customs of the “Nordic white trash” will send her academic career in sociology skyrocketing.


Air Force One is shot down by terrorists, leaving the President of the United States stranded in the wilderness. 13-year old Oskari is also in that wilderness, on a hunting mission to prove his maturity to his kinsfolk by tracking down a deer, but instead discovers the President in an escape pod. With the terrorists closing in to capture their prize, the unlikely duo team up to escape their hunters.


It's the eve of Christmas in northern Finland and an archaeological dig has just unearthed the real Santa Claus. But this particular Santa isn't the one you want coming to town. When all the local children begin mysteriously disappearing, young Pietari and his father Rauno, a reindeer hunter by trade, capture the mythological being and attempt to sell Santa to the misguided leader of the multinational corporation sponsoring the dig. Santa's elves, however, will stop at nothing to free their fearless leader from captivity.


The Fakir is fairy tale about the responsibility of ones life, and avoiding it.


Not meant for the public eye, this film reveals the dark reality of what's wrong with company's product. With its primitive instincts triggered by bad behaviour of people around it, the seemingly tame Father Christmas will forget the intensive training and turn into a brutal beast. You better watch out, you better not cry, There's no room for mistakes.


Just before the first snow of winter falls, professional hunters begin their work. The long process of tracking, hunting and transforming this king of the forest into a finished product is a time consuming process, but the final outcome is a reason to celebrate.


Ukkonen (means Thunder) is a short film about a man called Ukkonen who was turned into a radioactive man in an accident in the Generator Corporation research plant, company secretly designing radioactive weapons with an energy business as a cover. Ukkonen starts his crusade to bring the company down and get his revenge. Nice quality for an independent production, even some special effects and some funny, overdramatic monologue by Ukkonen. Unfortunately the film is very short, lasting only about 20 minutes. Worth checking out if you somehow find this film.


A post-apocalyptic adventure


Finnish small time criminal gets a mission to get an Asian man from Sweden to Finland. In Lapland the frost gets on the nerves and the mission turns into a deadly arctic chase.


The adventure of former FBI agent Jerry Walker and a hacker who calls herself Ms. Universe on an endless UFO hunt that brings the duo face to face with a secret that threatens the fate of all mankind.