James Desmarais

The Johnsons' scheme of keeping up appearances to fit in with NYC's high society hits a snag when they lie about going on an African safari. Various unwanted characters show up to use their 'empty' apartment forcing them to hide from them,


It's a romantic triangle with a lot of heat when a psychologist (JoBeth Williams) falls in love with a widowed professor (Pierce Brosnan) who's having an affair with one of her patients (Virginia Madsen). Williams turns a dangerous page when she uncovers that Brosnan is not only the root of Madsen's emotional turmoil, he also murdered his wife in order to be with Madsen. Better up that day rate.


A collection of short films put out on VHS by A.I.P., includes "Road Lawyers", "Escape from Heaven", "Radar Men On the Moon", and "Hairline".
