James Mitchum

A rhapsodic drawing of life by the man who scared the life out of music players and audiences.


D.E.A. Agent John Lambert (Kely McClung) fights the powerful drug cartels on a daily basis. But when his partner is killed in a violent shoot-out, Lambert needs some time away from the job to cope. Unfortunately, trouble has followed him and he quickly finds himself on the run from a drug boss seeking revenge. Wherever Lambert goes, dead bodies pile up. Wanted for questioning, Lambert is actively pursued by the police. Trying frantically to protect his dead partner's sister and seeking help from a wild Viet Nam vet named Mule (Jim Mitchum), Lambert begins a one man war against the cartels.


A CIA Agent must rely on reluctant help from a female spy in the North Vietnam jungle in order to pass through enemy lines.


A snooty female production assistant and an eager gopher at a TV station are assigned by their boss to locate a mysterious cassette. They quickly find themselves framed for murder and pursued by government agents.


An action-packed, brought to us by Ignazio Dolce - the guy who directed several other 'Nam action flicks including "The Last Platoon". It's a plot less little exploitation movie, filmed on a shoestring budget in the Philippines.


Two Vietnam vets are hired to infiltrate a religious sect and steal an ancient relic, a magic ivory tablet. Mercenaries Sugar and Mark enter a dangerous jungle full of cannibalistic natives in an unnamed Asian country and retrieve an ancient stone relic being held by a hostile religious sect. The two accept the job but something about the gig just isn't sitting right and their client may be withholding information vital to the mission and their survival.


The president of an African country wants to boost his economy with a new dam. He ignores the protests of the tribes in the flooded region, so they declare rebellion. To avoid bad publicity, the president doesn't use his army, but hires four international mercenaries, who shall find tribes leader Kuruba and smother the protest. However after learning about the tribes motivation, the Vietnam veterans T.J. and Cliff realize how they're being used and reconsider.


A detective tries to get back a child who has been kidnapped by gangsters.


A group of Vietnam War veterans declare war on Los Angeles drug dealers and the Mafia.


A sleazy airline owner forces boozy former pilot Butch Donovan (James Mitchum) to climb into the cockpit by threatening to harm his son in this outlandish German comedy. Unbeknownst to Butch, the plane has been rigged to crash as part of an insurance scam. After miraculously surviving a harrowing landing on a remote jungle island, Butch and the other passengers find a whole new set of dangers awaits, including wild beasties and hired hit men.


A rural Colombian village is attacked by a horrible sea serpent, aroused by industrial pollution of a nearby lake. Based on a real event that took place in June of 1971.


A black comedy of violent criminals who terrorize apartment dwellers during New York's 1977 power blackout.


A Native American travels around a resort town, murdering cops and rich people with a high-powered crossbow, while demanding that the town's richest residents pay him money to stop the killings.


When his sister Betsy packs up and leaves the family's Montana cattle ranch to find fame and fortune in Hollywood, her brother Jim decides to follow after her to make sure she doesn't get into trouble. He's a little too late, however, since almost as soon as she gets off the bus, Betsy has her belongings stolen, then gets kidnapped, gang-raped, and is sold to a pimp to work for him as a prostitute. It is now up to Jim, with help from social worker Lynn, to rescue his sister and set things right.


Grady and Bobby Lee run moonshine for Uncle Jesse, who prides himself on his old-school moonshining methods, and refuses to buckle in to the 'big business moonshine' of Jake, who controls these parts for New York mobsters


A film shoot in Peru goes badly wrong when an actor is killed in a stunt, and the unit wrangler, Kansas, decides to give up film-making and stay on in the village, shacking up with local prostitute Maria. But his dreams of an unspoiled existence are interrupted when the local priest asks him to help stop the villagers killing each other by re-enacting scenes from the film for real because they don't understand movie fakery...


Based on the story "The Heroes of Yucca," The Invincible Six features a ragtag group of jewel thieves who become the unofficial guardians of a small Iranian village. When bandits attack the village, looking for the body of their former leader and his treasure map, the Invincible Six are there to save the day, wooing the local females and frustrating the new leader of the bandits.


A Marine unit on a Japanese-held island in the Philippines tries to hook up with local Filipino guerrillas.


A cop turns to crime to keep his spoiled sexy young wife happy. When the money starts coming in his partner was in on the action.


A naval officer reprimanded after Pearl Harbor is later promoted to rear admiral and gets a second chance to prove himself against the Japanese.


After the war of secession, the aging Cordeen, who owns thousands of acres in Texas, rules his numerous and quarrelsome sons with an iron hand. He sends them out to deal with the threat of the representatives from the North. However, not all the sons share their father's unlimited hatred for the Northerners and they find it increasingly difficult to obey his despotic commands. To add to the family's unrest, a prodigal son decides to return to the fold, provoking two other sons to down tools and leave. Cordeen, outraged, pursues them and tries to kill them. An absurd family feud ensues, prolonged by the participation of the entire Cordeen family.


(1965) James Mitchum George Ardisson, Giacomo Rossi-Stuart, Jill Powers, Eduardo Ciannelli. After a search for his father's killers, Mitchum returns home only to find himself involved in a bloody land dispute. Good western with a helluva cast. Great to see Ciannelli in one of his last films. Color, scope, 35mm.


A group of friends go to Hawaii during the height of surfing season, to compete with other surf bums and find girlfriends along the way.


Intercutting dramatic vignettes with newsreel footage, the story follows the characters from an infantry squad as they make their way from Sicily to Germany during the end of World War II.


A man searching for a stolen army payroll is joined by several men after the reward money. One of the pursuers, after killing a ranch foreman, elopes with the ranchers' daughter. Enraged at the shooting of his foreman and convinced that his daughter was kidnapped, the rancher leads a posse after his daughter. When Apaches attack the thieves and their pursuers, the rancher's posse is forced to side with his daughter's new husband and his friends.


Chip is killed accidentally while trying to rape a blonde girl, who runs. Silver becomes the number one suspect even though she has an alibi, but due to previous brushes with the law she's sent to Girls Town, a home for young women in trouble with the law which is run by nuns. Silver is rebellious and causes trouble at the school, and her friend Sarafina totters near the brink of self-destruction because of an infatuation with a young singer. Meanwhile Chip's father hires a detective to find out the truth, and Chip's friend Fred gets Silver's sister in trouble at a drag race. Silver has a lot of problems all right.


A group of beatniks unwittingly harbor a serial rapist. A cop goes after him after his wife is attacked.


A father comes home to Tennessee from the "police action" in Korea to take over operation of the family moonshine making operation, but runs afoul of some gangsters who want in on the action.
