James Stewart Welch Jr.

Follows the best friends of a married couple who are asked to work together to look after the couple's baby while planning the baby's first birthday party.

A baker who is famous for her “True Love Pie” accidentally gives the wrong dessert to a difficult customer and ends up the object of his affection.

When Lindsay gets the chance to sign up to the notoriously exclusive dating service Eternity, she clashes with Will, her first date. They mutually agree this dating service has been a complete bust and make a deal to get their money back. However, when they turn up at the door, they find all the furniture gone, Eternity nowhere to be found and make a pact to find out the truth – they’ve been conned! Or have they…?

Identical twins Alice and Lacey are mistaken for each other by Alice’s handsome boss and Lacey’s business partner on a retreat to Trinidad and Tobago. With too much at stake for both to reveal the mix-up, they decide to go with it just for the trip. But as each other’s fresh perspectives and personalities begin to lead to unexpected romance, they find that they may have been wrong about who and what they needed in their lives all along.