Jan Machulski

When his grandson is beaten by gangsters, a Warsaw veteran gathers his war buddies to take them on.


When in a small village appears a little boy named Olek, the life of its inhabitants change. Olek senses danger.

The sophisticated thief of art Robert "Cuma" Cuminski is released on probation from the local prison by the corrupt Doctor Wiaderny to organize the theft of the famous Leonardo Da Vinci painting "Lady with Ermine" for the dealer Gruby. Three years ago, Cuma was accidentally arrested by the snoopy detective Wilk after a successful heist in the house of the collector Lehman, but he has not ratted his comrade Julian.


Jurek Kiler (see the prequel to this movie, "Kiler") has become a VIP - sponsoring the Polish government, playing tennis with the President, and stuff. He must oversee a transfer of a substantial amount of gold. However, in his past activities, he has made enemies. Mighty ones. And thus Jurek Kiler's next adventure begins as he has to face attempts at kidnapping, assassinations, and problems in his love life...


Anna and Pawel Kowalski lead a happy life in Gdansk, Poland, until their 8 year old son Tomek gets hit by a car. Not only is Tomek badly injured, his father proves not to be suitable as a blood donator. Pawel accuses his wife of betrayal of confidence, but she knows that only her husband can be the father of their child. She fears the worst: if Pawel isn't the biological father, she cannot be the biological mother.


An innocent cab driver is mistaken for a contract killer and imprisoned. Soon, he is sprung by a mob boss who needs "Killer" for a few more jobs.


Young man frustrated with his life and pointless job becomes one of the suspects in serial killer investigation, but he suspects someone else...


Franz Maurer, a compromised cop, former officer of the criminal department of the Warsaw's police, is released from prison where he was doing time for his brutality and murders. He is awaited by the New, his fellow-policeman. Franz tries to go straight starting hard work in a steel mill. Nevertheless, he must leave the factory as a criminal with an uncertain past when he doesn't join the strike organized by the workers' union. At the same time, a merciless war continues in former Yugoslavia. Wolf and William, two high rank officers, come to Poland in order to organize a network selling and smuggling arms to Yugoslavia by way of Albania.


A young Russian aristocrat, Baron Fyodor Jeremin, volunteers to serve with a Dragon squadron to impress the girl who rejected his love. Just at this time the 1863 insurrection explodes in Poland. He enlists to serve in the army being sent to suppress the revolt. He believes that now it's enough to defeat the Poles, become an officer and hero, get a bunch of medals, and then return and lay all of this at the feet of her beloved. However, the "little Polish war" looks completely different to the way that young Jeremin imagined it to be. In course of time, he learns to be on the wrong side. But there is no escape - he must kill or he will be killed. What's more, he falls in love with a beautiful Polish girl...


The Prohibition years. Chicago bootleggers suffer losses due to their betrayal by one Mick Nich - Mikita Nichiporuk. The mob decides to execute the traitor, who escaped to Odessa, USSR, and organized his own bootleg business there. The hitman, Pollack, arrives in Odessa, and realizes how hard it is to make the hit here, as compared to a civilized country like USA.


A music conductor, and family man, gets involved in a tragic accident. Luckily the operating surgeon has developed a pioneering medical solution. Loosely based on Roald Dahl's short story “William And Mary”.

A comedy. The story follows a young scientist in the contemporary world, who actually came from the world of dwarves, thanks to a magic potion, held by the Big Eater, ruler of the dwarves. The dwarf kingdom, Shuflandia, exists in a cellar of a library, and only the most obedient get the chance to grow to king size and inhabit the larger world. Once there, nobody wants to return to Shuflandia. Also, there are no women in Shuflandia.


A Polish thriller. Central story is a duel between criminal-on- the-run (Linda) and the cop (Machalica) who put him behind the bars the first time around.


A 12-year boy feels left out by his classmates because he has no interest in athletics. He finally discovers his calling when his parents take him to a magic show. Picked by the magician to be his helper during a trick he is drawn into the world of magic and wants to learn more. He becomes proficient in tricks and also discovers his telekinetic powers. Unfortunately that further alienates him from his peers and his parents are afraid of his powers. Things change when a national emergency arises and the government asks him to help. After success he becomes a hero and is accepted by all. Written by Polish Cinema Database.


The life of a grumpy 40-year-old man living with his wife in a high-rise block. Every day is like the other - quarrel over dinner, garbage, neighbours, elevators, lost socks. He hates everybody, especially his wife. Not even sexual fantasies are an escape from the hell, he imposes on himself.


A sequel to "Vabank" (1981), introduces the same characters entangled in a duel between a former safecracker and a crooked bank manager.


Drama about historical figure Barbara Radziwiłł, her romance with King Sigismund II August, her death and her posthumous return to Vilnius.


October 1934. Poland. Famous bank robber Kwinto decided to quit his dangerous criminal job, but after his friend's death, he changed his mind and organized a burglary of famous and well protected bank which belonged to his former partner in crime, backstabbing and double-crossing Kramer. Kwinto designs a clever plan not to only rob the Kramer's bank but to make it look like Kramer himself did it.


Retired police captain tells a reporter about his latest action - carried on their own investigation into the mysterious death of the girl. Captain MO, Gray, conducts her own investigation into the death of Eve Salm, called Princess. She was a witness in a process in which the defendant pleaded guilty and was sentenced to nine years in prison. Gray has doubts and risked their lives seeking to apprehend the real killer.


The title character is a professor looking to replace humans with cyborgs. His supremely creepy assistant Traumer, strikingly played by Majewski regular Andrzej Rausz, is one such creation. Professor H. intends to transpose Traumer’s brain with that of a renowned scientist, but is in for a surprise. A dark film in every sense, DOCENT H. is particularly noteworthy for its soundtrack, consisting of eerie whirs and beeps interspaced with snatches of Bach’s immortal “Toccata and Fugue in D Minor.” (from: http://www.fright.com/edge/JanuszMajewski.htm)


Set in the 19th century Warsaw. The indolence of aristocrats who, secure with their pensions, are too lazy to undertake new business risks, frustrates Wokulski. His ability to make money is respected but his lack of family and social rank is condescended to. Because of his "help" (in secret) to "the doll's" impecunious but influential father, the girl becomes aware of his affection.


A young scientist is kidnapped and taken to a mysterious house in which his former professor is conducting experiments to shrink people.


Gothic story based on novella by Aleksey Tolstoy


A pleasant, open-faced young man (Jan Machulski) comes to live in a boarding house with three peculiar women.


In the Napoleonic wars, an officer finds an old book that relates his grandfather's story, Alfons van Worden, captain in the Walloon guard. A man of honor and courage, he seeks the shortest route through the Sierra Morena. At an inn, the Venta Quemada, he sups with two Islamic princesses. They call him their cousin and seduce him; he wakes beside corpses under a gallows. He meets a hermit priest and a goatherd; each tells his story; he wakes again by the gallows. He's rescued from the Inquisition, meets a cabalist and hears more stories within stories, usually of love. He returns to Venta Quemada, the women await with astonishing news.


After WWII a soldier returns to his Polish homeland from Scotland.


The young and beautiful wife of a prominent diplomat complains of boredom. To change her monotonous life, she has an affair, through which she gets entangled in intrigues and espionage affairs. (telemagazyn.pl)


A little boy, craving for his father's attention, imagines a made-up "Mr. President" who looks just like his father but is caring and attentive.


Based on real events story of stealing methyl alcohol causing mass poisoning in town.


Based on a true story of Polish submarine "Orzel" (The Eagle): September 1939, "Orzel" is coming to Estonian neutral harbor in Tallin. Under pressure from Germany Estonians have intern the ship. Commander Grabinski decides to escape to England through the Baltic Sea, without any maps that has been confiscated and with only small amount of fuel on board.


A subtle, almost quasi-documentary tale of a confrontation between two lonely people — one from which true understanding cannot seemingly result.


Stach is a wayward teen living in squalor on the outskirts of Nazi-occupied Warsaw. Guided by an avuncular Communist organizer, he is introduced to the underground resistance—and to the beautiful Dorota. Soon he is engaged in dangerous efforts to fight oppression and indignity, maturing as he assumes responsibility for others’ lives. A coming-of-age story of survival and shattering loss, A Generation delivers a brutal portrait of the human cost of war.
