Janet Roddick

Filling the giant screen with stunning time-lapse vistas of Antarctica, and detailing year-round life at McMurdo and Scott Base, Anthony Powell’s documentary is a potent hymn to the icy continent and the heavens above.


A documentary about the sound design of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers


Billy (Cliff Curtis) is trying to organize the biggest celebration the town of Waimatua has even seen - the 75th Jubilee of their school. In doing this, feckless Billy is trying to redeem himself in the eyes of his family, especially his frustrated wife Pauline (Theresa Healey). However trouble arrives with the return of a local former All Blacks Captain, an old flame of Pauline's.


A plain woman with a beautiful voice is trapped in a difficult life caring for her cranky elderly father.

The life story of Colin McKenzie, a forgotten pioneer of international cinema who was born in rural New Zealand in 1888.


Catherine is taken to dine at "Eau de la vie" an opulent cafe known for its unusual entertainment. Her business associates Grant and Sarah intend to initiate her into their sordid society and strip her of her innocence. Catherine must choose from a small group of performers who will entertain the diners for the evening. She selects a young attractive man unaware that the finale of the evenings entertainment will end in his dead. To save the young man she has chosen, Catherine is driven to fight for her own life but oblivious to her struggle the other diners believe it is all part of the evening's entertainment Catherine has to stand alone. They say that evil triumphs when good people do nothing. Eau de la vie is a dark tale of hedonism and individual courage.
