Jany Clair

Special agent Becker is after a briefcase that rather cleverly disguises some secret documents.


Secret agent FX-18 goes undercover to break up an espionage ring.


A lone rider comes across a dying soldier, the victim of an Indian attack, who gives him a paper authorizing the payment of $150,000 to the U.S. Army. The rider gathers some colleagues who disguise themselves as soldiers and who take the paper to a bank. They get the money but a shoot-out occurs, an old woman is killed, and the gang acrimoniously splits up. Later some members of the gang meet up with some real U.S. Cavalry soldiers and together they must fight off new Indian attacks.


Hercules is summoned to oppose the evil Queen Samara, who has allied herself with aliens and is sacrificing her own people in a bid to awaken a moon goddess.


Using Leonardo Da Vinci's innovative designs for weapons of war, flying engines and other machinery, three brothers join forces to fight a wicked and powerful Duke in early-Renaissance Italy.


Gordon Scott plays Glaucus, the prince of Tiryns, a powerful warrior who goes undercover in Mycenae to infiltrate the evil cult of Moloch, which is exacting tribute from neighboring kingdoms in the form of attractive young hostages, both male and female. Calling himself "Hercules," Glaucus defeats Mycenae's champions and gains the favor of the voluptuous Queen Demetra (Rosalba Neri) whose son, covered in a dog's head mask, has been raised as the living embodiment of the dark god Moloch and receives sacrifices in his sprawling underground grotto.


Intrigue at the Roman Emperor's court prior to its destruction by Vesuvius.


An alien race sends cyborgs — made to look like the son of a famous scientist, whom they killed when he landed on their planet — to Earth to help pave the way for an invasion.


Alan Braves, captain of a pirate ship, is, by the treachery of a comrade, accused of a crime of which he is innocent. He decides to go to America, but during his trip, he finds a Spanish galleon that saved from attack by pirates, and escorting the galleon to Maracaibo. Braves is first received with full honors for saving a Spanish ship but after that is reported to the Governor, Braseeur, the pirate traitor. It is, therefore, arrested and sentenced to death from the visualization of torture ...


In this crime drama, Michel Simon is cast as Pierrot, an elderly gangster who does not fit the stereotype -- he is soft-hearted. After a petty criminal betrays his cohorts by taking off with the loot from a big robbery, he is caught and sent to jail. Now he has served his time, and Pierrot is given the task of retrieving the stolen cash. The tyro criminal tries to use a pretty young woman who has fallen in love with him as a red herring for Pierrot's investigation. Everything backfires though, and Pierrot is left considering what to do with the loot, and with the criminal who does not yet realize he loves his attractive accomplice and could have a good life with her if he opts for walking the straight and narrow.


Martine is a young woman plagued both by poverty and by uncaring, problem parents who in no way can provide the kind of nurturing that Martine needs during her adolescent years. As a result of her family situation, Martine runs away from home and gets involved with a group of teens and young adults from the wrong side of the moral tracks.

Biographic film chronicling the last year of the life of the Italian painter Amedeo Modigliani, 1919, who falls in love with a girl from a wealthy family. Her parents are against this relationship and stop financial help. Modigliani worked and died in abject poverty in the Montparnasse Quarter of Paris, France.
