Jaume Sorribas

A group of generals of the army meet for a course about NATO and new weapons. In the beginning everything is normal but as the time passes they behave more and more like school children.


Veronica, divorced with a son, begins to organize her life and adapt to the new situation. Her problems are relegated to a second term when Carlos, her masseur, is murdered. Knowing himself in danger, Carlos left a message on Veronica's answering machine: she had to pick up a package hidden in the toilets of a railway station. From that moment, Veronica will not know the calm.


In the middle of the first world war, Barcelona is the center of multiple operations related to war, although Spain is a neutral country.


Clara- an attractive- sophisticated and unmarried woman- and the autistic child who transforms and absorbs her life- astonishingly interpreted by a very young Victoria Abril and autistic actor Julito de la Cruz- Mater Amatsima astonished audiences at Cannes Festival by providing an extreme dissection of the mother-child bond in an uneasily honest and rather confrontational way.
