Javier Guzman

Stand up comedian Javier Guzman talks you through the year 2021.

Javier introduces himself again in the Ga-Bie-Jer show. He shows that he is actually polite and well-mannered. That he really can control his anger. That in a time of tension, fear and a lot of screaming, he knows how to keep the coolness.


Follows three friends that introduce "All-in Kitchen" in a restaurant. Because of "All-in Kitchen" guests can gambling for the bill.


In his stand-up show 'Oorverdovend,' Javier Guzman finds humor in such serious topics as his rough childhood, intolerance and our drifting society.


Dutch working mother, Stella, was supportive of international mission in Uruzgan, even if that meant missing her husband Jurre for months. After her brother is killed in action there, nothing can return life to normality, not even the return home of her military husband, Jurre. Flash-backs from a trial nine months later show the tragic developments


A theatre program about sinterklaas


This movie is about a group of young people struggling with what 'true love' means. Main character is a boy who doesn't want to commit himself to one woman.


VARA exists 80 years! We celebrate this with the DVD you have in your hands. About 5 hours top entertainment from VARA's entertainment cabinet. Fragments that will take you from 1958 to now. You still remember Dorus with his mouse trap? Or the "Kopspijkers" cabaret with the song "One Day Fly", Theo Maassen with his farewell speech of Henk van den Tillaart or Harry Vermegen and Henk Spaan with Popie Jopie? That's all on this DVD, and more!