Jawad Rhalib

Hocine was born a boy and raised in a conservative family in Algeria. Today her name is Yasmine. Adil and Albéric were born in countries where homosexuality is punishable by prison, lynching, persecution, and death… They fled to Belgium and France seeking asylum. Thomas’ Spanish father dreamt of seeing his son married in a church. Ariane, a young feminist queer, refuses to submit to men’s diktats. They all share the same ambition: to no longer be invisible. Together, they try to overcome their fear and conquer places where they’ve never felt welcome before.

When a progressive woman from Casablanca challenges the status quo, female villagers—emboldened to demand more equality—start a cooking strike.

Writer, director, and journalist Jawad Rhalib presents a timely exploration of Muslim identity in relation to artistic expression and harmful stereotypes, through archival footage, interviews, and evocative performances.


Comedy about a muslim and how is (expected) to behave.

Both the eco system and the local fisherman of Morocco are being suppressed by the big trawlers from foreign countries that rule the fishing business.
