Jay Hunt

The three Morgan brothers, Glenn, Jim and Buddy are all air mail pilots. The plane flown by Jim is shot down by Hugh Jeffries for the money it carries. Another flight is made by Buddy followed by Jeffries intending to shoot him down also...


A remake of 1930's "Phantom of the Desert", in which a crooked foreman and the ranch hands are rustling horses, and laying the blame on a wild stallion that roams the surrounding hills.In this one the principals are Jim/Cheyenne(Rex Lease) as the cowhand that comes along and clears the horse,Starlight;the crooked foreman is Clyde Winslow(Harry Woods), while Helen Sutter(Dorothy Gulliver) is the daughter of ranch owner Frank Sutter(Jay Hunt.) This one was remade at least four more times by 1940.


A young divinity student helps and protects a down and out prostitute, at the cost of his own standing in the community.


At a trading post in the Northern Dakotas, Hawk Lespard, an unscrupulous trader, is opposed by Jack Jessup, posing as a gambler but actually a scout for the Overland Stage Co., and Kunga-Sunga, a wizard with the lariat.

Three outlaws come to the aid of a young girl after her father is killed. A silent film directed by John Ford.


After it has been sold to a new owner,a shyster and killer has stolen the property deed to a valuable mine and is using it for blackmail purposes. The former owner of the mine is framed for a murder, and his daughter and the new owner work to save him from the gallows.

A Man Four-Square is a screen version of William McLeod Raine's popular tale of a rancher who finds himself falsely accused of murder while attempting to help a friend in need.

The story is motivated by a long-standing feud, which comes to a head when each of the warring families tries to adopt an orphan girl who is about to receive a huge inheritance.


My Own Pal takes Tom Mix out of his customary western surroundings and plunks him in the middle of New York City.

Set in a hotel straddling the border between California and Nevada, this early John Ford comedy follows a female hotel owner's efforts to turn a profit and get some work out of her husband.


American western.

A stranger (Leo Willis) turns out to be a revenue agent and Texas' brother, Tom, turns him out. But when a gang of moonshiners captures the stranger, Texas takes matters into her own hands. There is a climactic shootout between the moonshiners and the "revenoo" agents, during which Texas is wounded. When the smoke settles, the agent proposes to his guardian angel and she accepts.

A young woman rejects the advances of a Mexican bandit. He kidnaps her sister, saying he will keep her until the woman changes her mind. The young woman organises a posse to rescue her sister.


Although Kenneth Carmont and Esther Saunders, criminal Bert Saunders' sister, love each other, Esther marries detective Elwood Collins, who agrees to stop pursuing Bert if she accepts his proposal. One night, Kenneth and Esther hide Bert, who has escaped from the police. The same night, Kenneth's father is murdered. The evidence implicates Kenneth, who cannot supply his whereabouts at the time of the crime, as that would give away Bert. Esther cannot clear Kenneth for the same reason, and because it would let her husband know that she was with her former sweetheart.

Captain Gant is a hard man. The closest he had ever come to having a friend was in the person of his mate, Warren Gillcrest. The captain was hated by his men.


Donna Gonzales has a daughter, Rosa, and a son, Maxim. Maxim is fighting in the Rebel cause, his mother being the widow of a Rebel general. He is pursued while taking important dispatches to the Rebel general, takes refuge in his home, hides himself in a chimney and eludes the Federals. Maxim is badly wounded, and his sister, Rosa, volunteers to carry the dispatches. She departs dressed in her brother's clothes and is captured.

Juan Capella, the son of a poor Spanish tavern keeper, and his wife, learning of the discovery of gold on the American River near Sacramento, runs away from his parents and sweetheart to make his fortune. The tavern keeper is in debt and places a mortgage on the tavern in order to prevent it being seized to pay another debt.

Pierre Vignol, an artist wintering in Arizona, is bitten by a snake. He is taken by his friend, Tom Hornby, to Padre Francisco, who prescribes for the bite. Pierre, at the request of Tom, returns to his cabin and Tom takes care of him. Later Tom discovers a tube in Lost River. This proves to be a painting and Pierre takes it to Padre Francisco. The Padre reads him an interesting history of Fr. Bartolomeo. founder of the Mission, and of how the painting came to be discovered in Lost River, for it had been thrown there by a monk when the Mission was attacked by the Indians, owing to the abduction of the Chief's daughter by a villainous Spaniard. Tom takes the painting to New York where he sells it and gives the money to the wife of Tom, who has been too poor to bring her and the baby to Arizona.

A film about Sioux leader Chief Gray Otter (Joe Goodboy) who sends his son Tiah (Sessue Hayakawa) off to a "white man's school" so that he can become a great leader. The son returns home as a worthless drunk, disappointing the father but things get worse when the son joins a group of renegades and robs a payroll. The father is then forced to make a decision.


Tom Chatterton is called a coward because he will not enlist in the Home Guard during the Civil War -- his mother is dying and he does not wish to leave while she is still alive. When she dies and the Yankees attack, he seizes command of the Home Guard and leads them to victory, proving himself a hero and dying in the process.


Mildred is staying with her grandfather, Civil War veteran Jabez Burr, when she receives a letter from her father. Her father has re-married, and will be bringing his new wife home soon. But when Mildred's stepmother finds out that Jabez drinks, she takes a dislike to him, and begins to resent his closeness with Mildred...


Carl Wagner's good wife was dying. His heart bled at the thought of losing her, his life-long loyal helpmate. And his opera was almost completed, after spending months of weary hours to make it perfect. A pretty daughter tried in vain to brighten the overhanging gloom. Finally the composer, after a superhuman effort, and with a soul filled with sorrow, finished the last act of his score and hurried away to the impresario for a hearing. Here he was assured of an immediate reading and the return to his humble tenement was made with a much lighter heart. The doctor paid another visit to his patient and left a prescription to be filled. Carl reached home and realized how much depended upon the medicine ordered to possibly save a life most dear. Taking his cherished violin, the only article of value remaining, he rushed off to the pawnbroker and negotiated a loan.


Old Captain Bill and his wife have an only son, whom they idolize. He loses all his money at gambling and drinking, and determines to do better in the city. After a short absence he writes his people that he has secured a good position, is saving money, and will be home before long. A year or two later he arrives in town and on his way to his home passes the old saloon he used to patronize. He cannot resist the temptation, and goes in. He falls in with a lot of bad fellows and is robbed. Ashamed to go home, he ships on board a sailing vessel.