Jayanto Chattopadhyay

A prisoner appears in Akashnagar Central Jail's Cell No.145, which has been shut for 50 years, and claims immortality. Who is this mystery man, and what secrets does he hold inside him?

During the independence war of Bangladesh in 1971, a father who lives in village, decides to stay back at home to help all the family members to escape to safety. The Pakistani army has headed towards their home for a sudden reason , will the father make it through?

Set in 16th century Eastern Bengal, the film is inspired by the life of Chandrabati, Bengal`s first feminist poet. The story follows her falling in love with another poet, Jayananda, who later leaves her for another woman. The betrayal pushes Chandrabati to renounce marriage, confine herself inside a Shiva temple and start rewriting the Ramayana - an act which eventually led to her becoming a historic figure.

There are no stars to be seen in the night sky over Dhaka city. Pollution blocks our conversations with the stars. Poet Abid Haider is a lover of nature and he is deeply hurt by this catastrophe. His ideal is an unpolluted atmosphere. He yearns to revel in the sight of night skies twinkling with stars. It is his birthright, also the birthright of the generations to come. This is what he believes. Firm in this belief, he refuses to give up his claim to Earth even after death. Because the poet thinks that the human footprint upon Earth, the fruit of all our efforts is deathless, flowing perennially. Death might terminate one branch of thought but it cannot obliterate human endeavor. The enterprise that is life continues.

10-year-old Jamal loves his carefree life with his mum in rural Bangladesh, until the day his childhood friend and playmate is forced to become a child bride. Isolated and lost, Jamal finds the world a harsh reality when his hopes of getting new friends and attending school collide with his mother's past.


Woman in South Asian region always remain dependent on their Father, Brother, Husband or, Son in their different stages of life. They never achieve their own home, own address. The story is portraying womanhood of South Asia and depicts the life of Sutopa who never thinks out of that. Finally comprehend when she lost every shelter and found herself on running train where her destination is unknown. Her Own Address is an artistic vision illustrate a human story which appealing to the equality, freedom of souls and antidiscrimination.

A story of general boy who turns into third gender during his adolescence and neglected by the society.

A teenage boy is hired along with the music group of his father by a Zamindar (landlord) for entertaining him until the annual flood is over in the Haor region of East Bengal. But the boy finds out that he has to do something more than the rest of the members of the group are required- he has to satisfy the landlord sensually as well. The wife of the landlord cannot stand this new 'rival' of hers and conspires to kill the boy.


A young man who lives nearby an airport finds himself in trouble upon meeting a mysterious stranger.


A lone gun-man enters a typical Bangladeshi town to find his identity and take revenge on the person who raped his mother during the war. In the course of revenge he is used by the internal clash of two rival leaders of the town.


While making a film based on the Mahabharata episode of Eklavya's offering of honorarium to his Guru Dronacharya, a film director discovers a new truth, which drives him to change and add something new to the screenplay.


An unhappy father lies to his daughters about their brothers' death to bring them back home.


An apparently passive young man comes to Dhaka from a rural area looking for a job and a better life.


The story unfolds around the struggle of Tithi, a young girl from a lower middle-class family in Bangladesh. Tithi becomes a call girl to support her family. Tithi’s brother gets married and surprisingly discovers that working can also give satisfaction. He opens up a business with the capital his sister made as a prostitute. Financially, things are getting better in the family but Tithi slowly becomes aloof and indifferent to everything. Even the touch of her own mother irritates her and makes her recall a man’s lust. She withdraws within herself and takes refuge in solitude.


A mother and her son return to their home in Sylhet, Bangladesh after 15 years abroad and try to retrace their roots. Beginning with the death of the father of the family, the film proceeds with the central characters seeking a link to their lives.


The film is made about farmers life in Bangladesh. This has led to the struggle of the Farmers and the tortures and injustice of local high command and landlords on them. In 1946-1947, this movement was formed against the landlords and the British in protests against oppression and exploitation of long days.


A family must come to grips with its culture, its faith, and the brutal political changes entering its small-town world.


The story of a lonely man who is caught in a perpetual cycle of time. He hangs in limbo, between reality and dreams. His only companions are a maid, a cat, and a grandfather clock. The same things are happening in his life and he becomes increasingly frustrated.

The film brings to light the lives of jatra artists and their struggles to make a living off the dying performing art.


During the 1971 liberation war of Bangladesh, in a remote village, a landlord collaborated with the Pakistani army. After the death of his brother, he married his sister-in-law who had a young son. A teacher in the village, with a widowed daughter, taught the young man had a daughter. When the war broke out, the young man joined the Bengali guerrillas, shattering his innocence. In the village, the landlord's action get worse and worse, until he kills the teacher and compels the daughter to marry him. Now the young man must return to his village with new determination.


Financed in the west and shot on location in North Bengal, Halt is a profound story that transcends time and border and penetrates into the realm of the inner cravings of the human soul. Award-winning director Gaushey Alexander is poised to release the film as part of his first anthology feature film in early 2019.
