Jayme Matarazzo

Sparkling Girls tells the story of three young and lovely, hard-working housekeepers who rise to stardom overnight after an incidentally uploaded online video of their singing performance becomes an unexpected hit. Penha, Rosário, and Cida, all make an honest living cleaning, cooking, and picking up after their bosses. Besides an everlasting friendship, these three ordinary women also share the similar struggle of finding romantic love. The future music stars never imagined all the glitz and glamour that their lives would turn into.


What if life blindsided destiny? What if happiness was found in the unlikeliest of places? When do we allow ourselves to embrace the new without fear of letting go of the past? Gil is a twenty year old young man that questions himself and the world. He is an orphan, raised by his aunt Leila and his uncle César. His lifestyle is fulfilled by his guitar, poetry and alcohol, generating a family war that causes Gil to run away from home causing him to leave behind all his belongings, security and the only love that he had till then, the love of his aunt Leila. With his guitar on his back, without a destiny, money or the support of friends, Gil meets Otávio, a music producer that will change his destiny forever.


Shortly after World War II, the city of Rio de Janeiro experiments a period of great cultural, political and economic effervescence, when all the dreams – or nearly all – seem possible. In this exciting scenery of transformation, Paulo discovers love, friendship and sex through his childhood and adolescence in the 1950’s and 1960’s.
