Jean-Benoît Ugeux

This film tells the story of BRUNO, a man in virtual prison, controlled by an electric bracelet, caught in the paradoxes of an apparent freedom of 2km².

After his wife dies, a 75 year old retiree has to put up with the intrusion into his idle life of other family members.

During tender years, a companion can guide you through awkward moments when the heart rules the head, or be a partner in crime in the face of danger. Follow these young men through the highs and lows of early learning, when all around us is new, and peer pressure is at its most pervasive. The 6 short films are: It Was Dark [Il faisait noir] (2015); Suspendu (2015); Keep Going (2016); Headbutt (2017); Out of the Blue [Ud af det blå] (2016); Mars Colony (2020).

Mélanie and Pierre are visiting an amusement park in the Auvergne region where Vincent works. But they don't seem too keen on having fun.

Hervé knows how to get in touch with the Other Side, no doubt about that. But the real difficulty in spiritism sessions isn't receiving signs, it's understanding them.

Daniel, a biologist studying the disappearance of fish, is haunted by paternity. It is by looking for a woman who could be the mother of his children that he will come across a strange fish and discover what he really lacks: love.


Music is the story of a father and son. Or, rather, the story of the reunion between a father and son who have hardly seen each other over many years and who clumsily attempt to renew bonds. Unfortunately, too much time has already passed and it will be impossible to strengthen the ties. But although they lose each other again, the father will nevertheless pass on a legacy to his son: the love of music.


1814. The encounter between Mathurin Thouars, a lieutenant in Napoleon's army, and a young conscript suspected of simulating epilepsy in order to avoid military service. The two men are both from Brittany but one, already marked by battles, sets out again for the front while the other, who has never known war, may escape it forever.

Kim, a 14-year-old girl, is placed in a closed educational center. To catch her breath back, she'll have to find her balance, her place.

Patrick is the handyman on his father's naturist campsite. The remaining time he dedicates to his hobby, designing and creating furniture. When Patrick loses his campsite hammer, his quest to retrieve it takes him to the farthest corners of the camping grounds.


A hen house that causes a diplomatic incident, a child falling from the sky, a capitalist Christmas father, a plucky plumber with a Flemish accent and a killer bear: The best of the Belgian comedy. Five multi-award-winning shorts in the world.

Serge and his four colleagues work in a small company that has just been brought out by a large corporation. As a welcoming gift, they are invited by their new employer to spend a day of relaxation at a spa.


He’s lived for too long off his parents. It’s time for 40-year-old slacker Jacques to get by on his own. One-time gigolo and a borderline bum, he knows what he wants – to become rich and famous. He even has a business plan: tourism combined with cheap plastic surgery. Jacques moves in with his older sister, Monique, who manages an Emmaus village in the south west of France. And before long, the smooth-talking chancer has convinced a group of workers to pool their meagre funds and set out on a trip to a clinic in Bulgaria, where all their dreams of a brighter and more beautiful future will all come true. If only…


When Gino meets racing driver Bénédicte, it's love at first sight. But Gino has a secret. The kind of secret that can endanger their lives.


It's summer. Philippe is driving with Aurélien and his 9-year-old son, Balthazar. No one gives a damn about the people on vacation, highway rest stops, the August light, and that dismays Philippe. He wants to leave. Balthazar keeps him from that.


“Santa Claus is a capitalist. He brings toys to children of the wealthy and sweaters to those of the poor”. Nikos, aged five.


Two couples, Pierre and Aimée, Éric and Pénélope, all share four years of friendship without cloud. Only concern, Penelope and Pierre have become lovers ... The situation becoming untenable, they decide to break. But after a final night of passionate love, fate plays a trick on them: Peter and Penelope each wake up in the body of the other! To protect their secrecy, they each find themselves having to live the life of the other. This is the beginning of the complications ...


Seyolo Zantoko is a doctor from Congo who wants to get away from dictatorship and he is hired by the mayor of a small village in the north of France. The locals fear Seyolo and his family as they have never seen African people before, and Seyolo and his family struggle to adapt to this new life. But Seyolo is determined to succeed and to win the trust of the villagers.


Tom, a Flemish comedian and cartoon voice actor, spontaneously fills in for a dubbing actor friend. He finds himself on a French porn movie shoot. Catherine, an experienced actress, will be his partner. Tom is supposed to play the plumber.


Laurent has to undergo a colonoscopy. Nothing is more worrying than a doctor who tries to reassuring you. However, it is next to nothing: Just a camera which goes in your colon.

Five friends have encounters with black bears in a national park.


On a night of April 1957, Albertine, a brillant and rebel 19-year-old girl, jumps from the wall of the prison where she’s serving a sentence for a holdup. In her fall, a bone from her ankle breaks: the astragal. She is rescued by Julien, a justice fugitive, and so is born a burning passion between them. He takes her to Paris and hides her. But while he leads his gangster life here and there, the young woman struggles for her freedom and against the wounds inflicted by Julien’s absence, and writes poetry.


Chubby is the nickname of Kevin, a 12 years old kid already weights 100 kilos (220.46 lb). If he keeps devours fries, pastries and ice cream everyday, he's gonna have heart attack sooner or later unless he decides to change his diet to turn around and stop eating junk food.


Celine and Brigitte are tired of organizing tupperware parties.


Judith, a young girl, awakens from a very bloody nightmare, She looks around her, all seems in order: her sister is there a sleep.

After having broken up with his girlfriend and left his job, Simon has come back to his small hometown in the countryside, where he meets up again with his old friend Julien. The two thirty-year-old, unemployed and idle men decide to reinvest in an old dream from their teenage years: hitting the road for an adventurous journey. They buy a huge motor-home, but the trip is delayed by various troubles, and they decide to start their journey right where they are. Through this first motionless stage of their trip, Simon and Julien are confronted with themselves and what they wanted to run away from.


Jean-Paul is different. His father is his mother. He deeply loves dogs. But he prefers beer. When the moon is bright, Jean-Paul lit up too Tomorrow he won't remember anything.


Pascale leaves Jan to start a new life with Didier. Unwillingly, Jan accepts to get a babysitter for their seven year old son, Thomas. She leaves him at his family home where she now has to live with her new partner. But when Pascale comes to love with Didier, Jan is still there and refuses to leave the house and separate herself from her child. Very quickly, conflict explodes and in less than a day, the destiny of each character is turned upside down.


Cassandre, 26, is a flight attendant in a low-cost airline. She lives from day to day and goes from flight to party without a future. As her Tinder nickname, she chose Carpe Diem. She fully recognizes herself in the motto of her company "The world does not wait".

Sixteen-year-old Logan is an adolescent uncomfortable in his own skin. Only his science fiction dreams of a better life on Mars draw him away from his ordinary life, which is as equally difficult at home or at school, where he's only seen as an aggressive loser. One evening, he receives a visit from a mysterious man who insists that he has come from the future and that he is also Logan, but forty years older. He then asks the younger Logan to carry out a mission as unexpected as it is important: to save humanity.