Jean-Claude Roy

A European man sets up a business in Korea to deal in snuff films. The police quickly catch on to his dealings and attempt to hunt him down.


At a gathering of would-be society debauchees, the Baron Plessis de Regard and the attractive young Nathalie hatch their individual plans to use sex to respectively ruin and punish their selected enemies. The Baron's plan is to scupper the political ambitions of right-wing parliamentary candidate Colonel Montvilliers by setting him up with a female companion and publicly exposing his new-found vices. Nathalie's quest is of a more personal nature, to destroy her estranged father Charles Leroy-Merville by corrupting his innocent 17-year-old daughter Sophie, a task she intends to achieve by securing employ as the girl's summer tutor.


After losing both her parents, young Sylvie is enrolled in a strict boarding school of Victorian English education. The school readily and willingly resorts to a very strict regime of correction and corporal punishment to discipline its female pupils and the young girls compensate for the rigors of their education by devoting themselves to all kinds of kinky schoolgirl sexual encounters.


Juliette, an ex-prostitute whose two passions in life are men and money. When she isn't indulging in steamy sex sessions, Juliette and her lover Chris plan to blackmail young heiresses by photographing them in highly compromising situations, and their task is abetted when Juliette's sister Diana - who works as a high-class hooker - gives the couple a list of the daughters of wealthy businessmen who are looking for a bit of rough.


A mysterious maniac is killing a madame's call-girls.


The girls in question are forced into high class prostitution by a combination of tuition and compulsion.


Having escaped from prison Ristack contacts his partner, to organize an attack on a van full of gold. The heist goes well but each man is trying to keep all the loot for himself...


Four young women embark on a journey of sexual awakening.


Description of a "hot street" and police methods: "raids", role of police assistants to stop the development of prostitution and "Nests", private works to rehabilitate prostitutes to normal life by teaching them a job.


A seasoned lady-killer introduces a series of Decameronic vignettes about men's resourcefulness in seducing women and the price some of them have to pay for it.

French comedy
