Jean-Denis Bonan

An interview of French film director Marcel Carné by Didier Decoin

A primer on French film director Marcel Carne's career through interviews with critics and close creative collaborators.

A suicide cult led by a mysterious figure known as The Master. Oliver Martin is the hero, who tries to rescue pretty Caroline Cartier from the cult, only to find out that yet another group of vampires wants to save her too.


After a psychoanalyst unsuccessfully tries to convince four sisters that they are not 200 year old vampires, the Queen of the Vampires promulgates the cause of the Undead.


A series of 41 documentary shorts, directed (without credit) by several famous French filmmakers and each running between two and four minutes. Each "tract" espouses a leftist political viewpoint through the filmed depiction of real-life events, including workers' strikes and the events of Paris in May '68.


Paris, in the 1960s. A series of crimes troubles the public tranquility. On March, 22, 1968, Hélène Picard, a prostitute sentenced to death two years before for several murders, is killed by executioner Louis Guilbeau. Immediately, the violent crimes, similar to Hélène’s ones, go on again. In parallel, Louis is having an affair with the police woman in charge of the investigation… What are the obscure relations hidden behind the executioner and the mysterious killer? Who is this dark man in reality?


The questioning of an individual lost in the society of man.

In a world where everything is forbidden except what is obligatory, a man recalls what led him to work in a very strange fast food restaurant.


A couple is lost in a town where everyone speaks some strange language, and they can't find their way out.


Monsieur Meuçieu wants to escape from an absurd society, in vain.